Diversifying ways to spread a culture of literacy in the community

May 16, 2024 - 13:36
Various activities have been conducted in Bắc Giang Province to encourage literacy more widely within the community, said Director of the Bắc Giang Provincial Department of Information and Communications, Trần Minh Chiêu.


Students attend the third Vietnam Book and Reading Culture Day in Bắc Giang Province. Photo courtesy of Bắc Giang Provincial Department of Information and Communications

BẮC GIANG The drive in Bắc Giang Province to spread the reading culture more widely within the community is already having positive results, said Director of the Bắc Giang Provincial Department of Information and Communications, Trần Minh Chiêu.

Events have included exhibitions, book launches and community-based discussions such as Resounding Echoes of Điện Biên to facilitate exchanges and conversations with veterans of the Điện Biên Phủ Historical campaign.

The province has also organised a Cultural Reading Ambassador Competition, along with a display of photographs that showcased the remarkable achievements in the province's economic, cultural and social development.

The movement to promote reading and book exchanges has been implemented widely within Bắc Giang Province with the local authority actively encouraging the establishment of libraries, reading clubs and providing guidance on reading skills.

With messages such as 'Good books need readers' 'Precious books for you' and 'Good books: For the eyes and ears,' the celebration of Vietnam Book and Reading Culture Day on April 19 in Bắc Giang was aimed at spreading a reading culture in the community, particularly among teachers, students and young people and the community.

It affirmed the hugely important role books play in enhancing knowledge, skills, developing thinking abilities, education and personal growth. It promotes a reading movement within the community, emphasises the significance of self-learning and cultivating a habit of reading books within families, schools, organisations and institutions throughout the province.

Through these efforts, it contributes to building a cultural and spiritual life, promoting moral values and preserving the traditional thirst for knowledge of the Vietnamese people.

In recent years, the reading movement in Bắc Giang Province has been growing with many positive results. The libraries of institutions and units throughout the province, such as the Provincial Police, the Provincial Military Command, the Provincial Youth Union, Bắc Giang University of Agriculture and Forestry and Ngô Gia Tự Bắc Giang College, have all received investment in their facilities and have added millions of new books of various genres to meet the local reading needs.

“Books are the versatile key that unlocks the long-lasting intellect and soul of individuals. They are extraordinary teachers that illuminate our boundless source of knowledge, teaching us to live meaningfully, love, share, and sacrifice,” said Director of the Bắc Giang Provincial Department of Information and Communications, Trần Minh Chiêu.

He emphasised the need for all local organisations, schools and the community to continue to focus on building and upgrading library systems, digitalising those libraries and developing electronic publications as part of the transformation programme to meet the diverse needs of readers.

On Vietnam Book and Reading Culture Day, Bắc Giang presented awards to eight groups and 12 individuals who excelled in the Online Book Reading Contest 'Read to Change Yourself'.

The Provincial Youth Union, in collaboration with other units, donated two bookshelves, 472 books, and one printer with a total value of VNĐ120 million (US$4,700) to the Hiệp Hòa 1 High School.

Meanwhile, Ngô Gia Tự College presented 275 books to underprivileged children in highland areas and Alpha Books Joint Stock Company, KBS Company and the Four Directions Book Collection Store donated books to several schools. VNS



