Top 10 events in culture and tourism

December 31, 2022 - 08:34
Here are top 10 most important culture-tourism events in 2022 selected by Việt Nam News

Việt Nam News introduces to readers the list of 10 most important culture-tourism events, selected by the newspaper:

1. Implementing the guidelines of Party General Secretary

In 2022, localities and agencies have actively implemented the guidelines marked out by General Secretary Nguyễn Phú Trọng in the National Culture Conference in 2021 to step by step bring culture to activities of economy, politics and society.

For example, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism (MCST) has launched a campaign to establish a cultural environment in localities. The Central Party Committee’s Commission for Publicity and Education has just hosted a national conference titled “Systems of National Values, Cultural Values, Family Values and Standards for Vietnamese People in the New Period”.

Northern provinces of Hà Tĩnh and Bắc Ninh have organised provincial culture conferences to put forward policies to implement the guidelines of the National Culture Conference in 2021.

2. The revised Law of Cinema 2022 approved

Hoa Nhài (Jasmin) film crew work at the site. VNA/VNS File Photo

The law will be effective from January 1, 2023 with various new articles including regulations of post-examination to movies broadcast online; regulations on classifying types of films and alerting film content; policies to encourage film producing, to facilitate foreign film troupes to make films in Việt Nam; and concrete regulations on management levels in cinema activities.

3. Việt Nam succeeds in negotiating for the ownership of the Emperor’s gold seal

The golden seal from the reign of Emperor Minh Mạng. — Photo courtesy of Millon

Negotiations between Vietnamese representatives and the French auction house Millon have ensured that Emperor Minh Mạng’s gold seal will be returned to Việt Nam.

According to the department of Cultural Heritage, under the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, the negotiation was a success thanks to the plan to repatriate antiquities, developed by MCST and submitted to the Prime Minister.

The ministry, together with other relevant organisations and individuals, will continue to coordinate with Millon to implement procedures for repatriating the 10.78-kg gold seal to Việt Nam as soon as possible, while ensuring the legal regulations of both countries.

4. Chăm people's pottery making art named heritage in need of urgent safeguarding

Ninh Thuận Province's art of pottery making of the Chăm ethnic people has been recognised as an intangible cultural heritage in need of urgent safeguarding by UNESCO on Tuesday. — VNA/VNS Photo Nguyễn Thành

The art of pottery making of the Chăm ethnic people was inscribed in the list of intangible cultural heritage in need of urgent safeguarding by UNESCO.

The recognition was made at the 17th session of the Inter-governmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage in Rabat, Morocco, according to the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism.

It is the 15th intangible cultural heritage of Việt Nam to be named in UNESCO lists.

5. The 6th Hà Nội International Film Festival

Artists walk on the red carpet of the 6th Hanoi International Film Festival. — Photo

The sixth Hanoi International Film Festival (HANIFF VI) took place in Hà Nội from November 8-12, featuring 125 films from 56 nations and territories, including 45 movies from Việt Nam.

With the theme "Cinema - Humanity, Adaptation and Development", the festival, jointly held by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and the Hà Nội People’s Committee, aimed to honour excellent international and Vietnamese cinematographic works with high artistic value, imbued with humanity and creativity in cinematic language.

6. Celebrating 60th anniversary of Việt Nam – Laos Friendship

Various events were organised in Việt Nam and Laos to celebrate 60th anniversary of diplomatic tie. — VNA/VNS File Photo

Various events have been organised throughout the country to celebrate the 60th anniversary of diplomatic tie between the two countries. Solemn ceremonies were held in both countries’ capitals to celebrate the 60th anniversary of diplomatic tie and 45th anniversary of Friendship and Co-operation Agreement.

A contest on the history of the special relationship between the two countries was held online every week, in which people chose one among multiple choices of the right answer for each question. The contest attracted thousands of people in both countries.

A photo exhibition; an exhibition of documents, objects and books on the great tie; Vietnamese Culture Week in Laos; Culture, Sport and Tourism Festival of Việt Nam – Laos Border in Điện Biên Province are among highlights of the year.

7. More documentary heritage recognised

A system of 78 stone stele carved with texts in Chinese and Nom ideograms in Ngũ Hành Sơn Mountain in Đà Nẵng and Nôm and Chinese documents found in Hà Tĩnh were listed among Documentary Heritage of Asia – Pacific. The decision was made at a meeting of the UNESCO's Memory of the World Committee in Asia Pacific held in Andong City, South Korea, on November 26.

A stone carving in Ngũ Hành Sơn Mountain, Đà Nẵng. — VNA/VNS File Photo

The stele system include poems, prose pieces, parallel sentences by kings, mandarins and monks under Nguyễn Dynasty carved on stones and caves. The texts reflect the exchange of Việt Nam with Japan and China between 17th and 19th century.

Nôm and Chinese documents found in Trường Lưu Village in central province of Hà Tĩnh consists of a handwritten collection of 26 royal promotion decision of Lê and Nguyễn dynasties; 19 official degrees and three silk veils. The texts were in Chinese and Nôm ideograms written between 1698 and 1943.

8. Domestic tourism recovery

Việt Nam officially opened door to foreign tourists on March 15, 2022. Since then, domestic tourism has recorded impressive statistics though the number of international guests has not been as high as desire.

There have been 100 million domestic travellers, against the number of 85 million in 2019 (before the pandemic).

A balloon festival in the central province of Nghệ An. VNA/VNS File Photo

9. Vietnam Tourism and Culture Festival celebrated in RoK

A performance of Huế Royal Refined Music is performed at the opening ceremony of the 2022 Vietnam Tourism and Culture Festival in RoK. — Photo courtesy of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism

The 2022 Vietnam Tourism and Culture Festival took place in Seoul and Gwangju in the Republic of Korea (RoK) from October 13-19 on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of bilateral diplomatic relations.

It is one of two large-scale festivals organised abroad annually by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism to promote the country, people and tourism of Vietnam to Koreans. The main event of the festival was held in Seoul on October 13-16 with a wide range of cultural activities and art performances.

10. Hà Nội honoured as World’s Leading City Break Destination 2022

The flag tower, an iconic landmark of Hà Nội. The capital city has been named World’s Leading City Break Destination’ for 2022 by the prestigious World Travel Awards (WTA). — VNA/VNS Photo Tuấn Đức

The prestigious World Travel Awards (WTA) named Việt Nam’s Capital, Hà Nội, ‘World’s Leading City Break Destination’ for 2022.

According to Director of the Hanoi Department of Tourism Đặng Hương Giang, the award has an important meaning in the context that Việt Nam is completely open to international tourism activities.

This is not only a pride but also an opportunity for tourism of the capital city, affirming its position, image and brand as a "safe - quality - friendly - attractive" destination to domestic and international tourists after a long time affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, she added. VNS
