TCP Group sets goal to supply 100% recyclable packaging by 2024

TCP Group (T.C.Pharma), the owner of the popular Thai energy drink brands such as Red Bull and Warrior, asserts its commitment to sustainable development in all business activities by working with the local community to create a waste-free environment.

Restoring clarity to rivers in Hà Nội

People in Hà Nội are not at all unfamiliar with the pollution in Tô Lịch, Đáy, Nhuệ rivers, and the effects of pollution here is an neverending story. Báo Tài Nguyên Môi Trường (Environment Resources Newspaper) reports.

'Ring the Golden Bell' contest tackles environmental pollution

The contest took place on Wednesday at Phượng Hoàng School in Duy Tân Street in Vinh City with the aim of helping students understand the importance of the environment and provide them adequate knowledge on how to effectively protect it.
