​​​​​​​Vietnamese-Canadian CEO promotes sustainability, globally showcases Việt Nam’s innovation

August 18, 2024 - 08:42
By offering eco-friendly options to replace everyday single-use plastic items, Marina Trần Vũ, founder and CEO of EQUO, aims to help solve the plastic pollution crisis and showcase the innovative potential of Việt Nam and Southeast Asia.
Marina Trần Vũ, founder and CEO of EQUO. Photo courtesy of EQUO

Marina Trần Vũ is the Vietnamese-Canadian founder and CEO of EQUO, which provides easy alternatives to single-use plastics including straws, utensils, dishware, tote bags, water bottles and other products from 100 per cent plastic-free and bio-degradable materials such as grass, rice, coconut, sugarcane, and coffee.

EQUO has not only made a positive environmental impact but also showcased the potential for innovation in Việt Nam and Southeast Asia in general, underlining the fact that the region can produce unique, high-quality products.

Việt Nam News reporter Xuân Hương speaks to her about her inspiration and future plans.

Inner Sanctum: Can you tell us what made you decide to move back to Việt Nam to set up a business and what EQUO is all about?

I returned to Việt Nam to support my family when my father fell ill, not to start a business. However, life often takes unexpected turns. Somehow, I ended up founding EQUO, a company with the mission of eliminating single-use plastic. EQUO has evolved to not only make a positive environmental impact but also bring sustainable, made-in-Asia products to the global market by offering great value, design and sustainability.

Inner Sanctum: Can you tell us what motivated you to set up EQUO? What is the reason for making your products from natural materials such as grass, rice, coconut, sugarcane, and coffee?

The motivation to set up EQUO was driven by personal inspiration and the desire to tackle pressing environmental issues. I wanted to test natural materials like grass, rice, coconut, sugarcane, and coffee to see how customers would respond to these sustainable alternatives. My goal was to help solve the plastic pollution crisis by offering eco-friendly options. Additionally, I believe sustainability should be fun and appealing, encouraging more people to make eco-friendly choices. I also aimed to showcase the innovative potential of Việt Nam and Southeast Asia, and show that the region can produce unique, high-quality products rather than just cheap copycats.

EQUO provides 100 per cent plastic-free and compostable products such as straws, utensils, dishware, tote bags, and water bottles from materials such as grass, rice, coconut, sugarcane, and coffee. Photo courtesy of EQUO

Inner Sanctum: Can you highlight some of the successes you have achieved? How have your company’s exports evolved over time?

I'm proud of several achievements in EQUO's journey to promote sustainability and represent Việt Nam globally.

EQUO initially focused on the US and Canadian markets, but quickly responded to strong demand and positive feedback from Việt Nam to start selling its products locally. This allowed EQUO to make a significant impact in Việt Nam while expanding its reach.

EQUO has represented Việt Nam on multiple stages around the world, including appearing on Channel News Asia's reality show The Big Spark in Singapore, participating in various pitch competitions, being selected as the only start-up from Việt Nam in the United Nations Special Projects Global Innovation Programme, and becoming the first person from Việt Nam to participate in the Cartier Women's Initiative in the programme's 17-year history.

EQUO has expanded beyond its signature straws to offer a wide range of sustainable products, including cutlery, stationery, water bottles, reusable bags, and gift items. This demonstrates EQUO's commitment to providing eco-friendly alternatives to single-use plastic across multiple categories.

Inner Sanctum: What are the challenges of running a start-up that’s looking to spread the message of eco-friendliness and sustainability? Has it been difficult to convince people to accept EQUO’s alternatives to single-use plastics?

The biggest challenge has always been the cost and proving value to customers, demonstrating why they should invest slightly more in sustainable products. However, we have effectively tackled this issue through several key strategies. We focus on educating the market about the environmental impact of single-use plastics and the benefits of sustainable alternatives, helping customers understand the long-term value and necessity of eco-friendly products.

Our products are not only sustainable but also stylish and functional, making it easier for customers to embrace and use them. Quality is paramount, and our products meet high standards of durability and usability, leading to positive customer experiences and repeat purchases.

Additionally, we build a community around sustainability, engaging with like-minded individuals and organisations to create a supportive network that amplifies our message.

Through these efforts, we have successfully overcome initial resistance and seen growing acceptance and enthusiasm for EQUO's alternatives to single-use plastics.

Spoon made from sugarcane. Photo courtesy of EQUO

Inner Sanctum: What gives your products a possible competitive edge when almost all brands are talking about building a sustainable future? How does EQUO differentiate itself from other brands?

One of our core competitive edges lies in our philosophy: "We aren't sustainable to sell more; we sell more because we are sustainable." This approach is at the heart of everything we do and sets us apart from many other brands that view sustainability as a marketing tool rather than a fundamental principle. Our products stand out for their innovative design and functionality.

While many brands offer sustainable alternatives, EQUO combines eco-friendliness with stylish, practical designs that appeal to modern consumers. This blend of aesthetics and utility makes it easier for customers to choose sustainable options without compromising on quality or convenience. Based on that, customers can really sense the authenticity of a brand.

In essence, EQUO differentiates itself by making sustainability the core of our business, not just a selling point. Our unwavering dedication to innovative design and true sustainability allows us to stand out in a market where many are just beginning to embrace eco-friendly practices.

Inner Sanctum: What advice do you have for young people who want to start a business?

First, identify a problem that genuinely matters to you and build your business around solving it. This passion will sustain you through tough times. Second, don't be afraid to take risks and make mistakes. Every failure is a learning opportunity. Third, prioritise resilience and persistence. Success doesn't happen overnight, and the ability to keep going is crucial. Lastly, always listen to your customers. Their feedback is invaluable for improving your products and services.

Inner Sanctum: What are your plans for developing the EQUO brand?

My plans for EQUO revolve around continuing to establish it as a trusted brand in sustainability and becoming the go-to one-stop shop for the conscious consumer. We aim to bring made-in-Asia products to the global market, focusing on combining sustainability with innovative and attractive designs.

Our goal is to create products that not only reduce the environmental impact but also inspire and delight our customers. By continuously innovating and maintaining our commitment to quality and sustainability, we hope to lead the way in making eco-friendly choices accessible and appealing to everyone. VNS
