Nguyễn Đăng Hiếu sets new record

March 12, 2023 - 17:10
After 24 hours, he covered 230.41km, which was, according to unofficial statistics, a new Southeast Asian record.


Nguyễn Đăng Hiếu seen before finishing his 24-hour enduranc race on March 11 in Hà Nội. Photos

HÀ NỘI — Nguyễn Đăng Hiếu has set a regional record after running 230km in 24 hours, finishing on March 11 in Hà Nội.

The well-known marathoner began his race, called Breaking 200km, at 5pm on March 10, and finished at 5pm, on March 11, running around 1.2km Mai Chí Thọ Street at an average pace of 6.15km per hour.

"I am happy with the result which is my gift for all runners and VKL Club. Without their support, I would not have competed the mission," Hiếu said.

After 24 hours, he covered 230.41km, which was, according to unofficial statistics, a new Southeast Asian record.


A distance of 230.41km recorded by Nguyễn Đăng Hiếu after he ran for 24 hours.

Previously, the record longest distance covered in 24 hours was held by Filipino Rolando Espina who ran 218km in 2019.

Other results in the region are: Singapore 216km, Malaysia 187km, Indonesia 187km and Thailand 167km. Meanwhile Việt Nam's record was 174km by national team member Cao Ngọc Hà in 2014.

The current world record is 319.614km by Aleksandr Sorokin, of Lithuanian, last September.


 Nguyễn Đăng Hiếu is a popular runner in the community.

Twenty-four-hour running has been popular in the world for many years, with 340 events held in 2022, but not in Việt Nam. It is considered a style of ultra-marathon which challenges people's stamina and endurance. 

Hiếu, 38, is a financial expert for a foreign investment fund. He loves running and has taken part in many local and international marathons. 

He was hoping to compete in the Vietnam Ultra 24h scheduled in the country for the first time this month, but the event was cancelled, then he set up the Breaking 200km challenge himself.

VKL Runner Club worked with Hiếu in organising and supporting him during the race. They set up his plan, pacers, drinks and food to help him during 24-hour run. VNS
