Localities are ready for a safe and secure high school graduation exam

June 26, 2024 - 13:52
Provinces and cities across the country are ready for the high school graduation exam, which will fall on Thursday.
Candidates in the high school graduation exam last year in Kon Tum Province. — VNA/VNS Photo Khoa Chương

HÀ NỘI — Provinces and cities across the country have readied themselves for a safe and serious high school graduation exam, which will fall on Thursday.

Ea H'leo District, the Central Highlands province of Đắk Lắk has more than 1,500 candidates.

The district has arranged two testing places with 67 rooms, which meet all the conditions for facilities as prescribed by the Ministry of Education and Training.

Lê Ngọc Hùng, Deputy Chairman of the district People’s Committee, said: “The provincial inspectors highly evaluated the district's preparation in terms of facilities and spirit. We focus on creating the best conditions for the exam to take place smoothly and in accordance with regulations."

In Ea Súp border district, more than 740 candidates will take the exam.

The district has directed departments and unions to provide the best support so that candidates and their parents, especially those from ethnic and disadvantaged groups, can feel secure during the exam.

Nguyễn Thanh Tuấn, Deputy Chairman of the Ea Súp District People's Committee, said: "It is a remote area, and students live about 50-60km far from the centre. Therefore, the exam steering committee has provided guidance to students and prepared equipment to serve them if they need to stay during the exam. We also instruct the youth volunteers to help the candidates."

The exam steering committees also enforce disease prevention, environmental sanitation and food safety across all levels.

Nguyễn Hữu Lương, Head of the Internal Political Security Division under the Đắk Lắk Police said that the police had an early provision to provide security for the exam.

“We go to every exam place to review preparation. No major errors have been discovered,” said Lương.

Đắk Lắk Province has nearly 21,000 candidates taking the exam, at 33 exam locations, with more than 870 rooms in all districts.

More than 2,000 officials and teachers invigilate, supervise and serve at the test sites.

Youth volunteers

Cần Thơ City assigned more than 800 volunteers to support more than 12,800 high school graduation candidates.

District unions called for sponsors to serve 25,000 bottles of water, 19,000 portions of cakes and more than 10,000 lunches at some test sites with a total value of more than VNĐ3 billion (US$117,900).

In addition, the volunteer campaign steering committee deploys free transportation for poorer, disabled candidates and the ones from remote areas.

Trần Việt Tuấn, Deputy Secretary of the municipal Youth Union and commander of the youth volunteer campaign, said that Cần Thơ hoped that through the campaign, each young person would become an ambassador for their special spirit.

Mountainous area

Hà Giang, a northern mountainous province with 6,950 candidates, has a total of 32 exam councils with 322 exam rooms.

Because the province did not want any candidate to miss out due to their personal circumstances, it reviewed all candidates' travel conditions and where they were travelling from.

It established four delegations to inspect the examination preparation in the districts and to draft response plans when unexpected situations occur.

Divisions of education and training and district people's committees are responsible to the Chairman of the provincial People's Committee for organising the high school graduation exam in their areas.

Cross the sea

On Monday afternoon, 144 candidates in Kiên Hải island district were taken to the mainland to participate in the high school graduation exam in Rạch Giá City.

The Kiên Giang Province Police and the provincial youth union organised the transportation.

The Kiên Giang Police Youth Committee also organised a volunteer police vehicle team to help transport candidates during exam days while twelve scholarships will be given to disadvantaged candidates. — VNS
