PM insists on better fire prevention measures for multi-storey houses and homes also used as a business.

June 26, 2024 - 07:30
To prevent tragedies and minimise loss of life or property damage, the PM requested ministries, Government agencies, provinces and cities to identify fire prevention as a key task that needs regular work.
A resident buys a fire extinguisher for his family in Cầu Giấy District, Hà Nội. — VNAVNS Photo Hoàng Hiếu

HÀ NỘI — Prime Minister Phạm Minh Chính has requested key organisations to strengthen fire prevention and fighting for multi-storey houses and homes which are also used as workshops or as trading facilities.

The Prime Minister said that recent tragic fires and explosions had clearly shown that tackling and preventing fires had become more complicated, particularly in the case of homes over several floors, or ones also used as a business.

A fire in a multi-storey house on September 12 last year at Khương Hạ Street, in Khương Đình Ward in Hà Nội killed 56 people.

A house fire on May 24 in Trung Hòa Ward, Cầu Giấy District killed 14 people.

A fire in a house which was also used as a production facility killed four people on June 16 in Định Công Ward, Hoàng Mai District.

To prevent such tragedies and minimise loss of life or property damage, PM Chính requested ministries, Government agencies, provinces and cities to identify fire prevention as a key task that needs regular work.

The PM’s Directive (No 19/CT-TTg) explicitly called on all key organisations to tackle the increasingly complex problem of fires and explosions to prevent further loss of life and property.

They must review, amend, supplement and perfect the system of legal documents on fire prevention and fighting for multi-storey houses and business premises.

They must build traffic, water supply and communication networks to meet the requirements for fire fighting and rescue.

Fire prevention and fighting infrastructure must be set up in association with industry and local planning.

Localities must strengthen education to ensure people know how to tackle a fire or who is responsible for fire prevention, fighting and rescue.

Advanced examples should be replicated while organisations and individuals who do undertake fire rescues or install exemplary fire prevention measures, should be rewarded.

Ministries must have more power to inspect, detect and penalise those who do not follow the fire safety law, to close any legal loopholes and address inadequacies in fire prevention and fighting.

Specific duties

The PM requested the Minister of Public Security to supplement specific regulations on fire safety conditions for houses combined with production and trade facilities in the Law on Fire Prevention, Fighting and Rescue.

The Ministry of Construction (MoC) is given the responsibility for publishing technical documents guiding safety conditions related to fire prevention measures for multi-storey houses, including rental houses which must be completed before the middle of next month.

The MoC is also given the duty of training localities and businesses about the national technical regulations on fire safety and general requirements for housing standards.

Ministry of Industry and Trade should add more regulations on electricity use, clarify responsibilities of agencies and units in electricity management at establishments and households.

It will regularly organise inspections and help households manage and use electricity safely, minimising fires and explosions caused by power issues.

Heads of establishments and householders must commit to and have a roadmap to implement solutions for fire prevention and fighting.

Provinces and cities must issue documents guiding urgent solutions for fire prevention and fighting safety conditions in accordance with actual local conditions before the end of next month.

They must check business registration certificates for multi-storey houses and houses combined with production and business.

While granting construction permits, they must request heads of establishments and householders implement solutions and conditions to ensure fire prevention and safety. — VNS



