Bình Dương authorities help the unemployed find new jobs

November 18, 2022 - 12:08
According to Bình Dương Province’s Department of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs, the number of unemployed people in the province has gone up due to businesses being adversely affected by the current global economic situation.
A work fair organised by Bình Dương Province’s Department of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs to help the unemployed find jobs. – Photo laodongtre.laodong.vn

BÌNH DƯƠNG – Bình Dương Province is trying to reduce the growing unemployment rate by helping the unemployed find new jobs. 

According to Bình Dương Province’s Department of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs, the number of unemployed people in the province has gone up due to businesses being adversely affected by the current global economic situation.

They have to cut staff or reduce working hours to maintain their businesses.

Around 28,000 people have lost their jobs and around 240,000 people have had their work hours reduced.

The unemployment rate in the province has also gone up as approximately 70,000 people registered to receive their unemployment insurance from the department in September.

Phạm Văn Tuyên, deputy director of the department, said that his department is working hard to ensure that the unemployed receive their unemployment insurance in a timely matter.

The department will also help the unemployed find new jobs by introducing them to businesses that are in need of staff or help them gain access to vocational training classes. 

If businesses are affected by the current global economic situation and have to cut work hours or lay off staff, the department will work closely with them to ensure the rights of the employees.

To support the province's employees for the upcoming Tết holiday, the department suggested that businesses should work with their union committees to help employees travel back to their hometowns as well as work on year-end bonuses.

The provincial labour federation under the department recently also publicised a list of vacancies of 30 businesses that are in need of staff in the province. – VNS
