HCM City Labour Federation to ensure workers have happy Tết holidays

January 08, 2022 - 16:24
The HCM City Labour Federation has earmarked more than VNĐ700 billion (US$30.75 million) to organise amusement activities and give gifts to workers for Tết (Lunar New Year). ​


A HCM City Trade Union representative provides gifts to a child who lost a parent to COVID-19 in HCM City. Photo courtesy of the HCM City Press Centre

HCM CITY — The HCM City Labour Federation has earmarked more than VNĐ700 billion (US$30.75 million) to organise amusement activities and give gifts to workers for Tết (Lunar New Year). ​

Trade unions at companies will organise the activities for the benefit of people who cannot return to their hometown for the festival.  

‘Tết sum vầy’ (Tết reunion) will gather 10,000 workers’ families to welcome the festival with a trip to the Đầm Sen entertainment park. 

Speaking at a press conference on Tuesday, Phạm Chí Tâm, deputy president of the federation, said trade unions at all levels would co-ordinate with enterprises and donors to provide financial support to children who lost a parent to COVID-19.

An estimated 195 lost one or both parents, the federation said.

Trade unions will also hand over 35,000 bus, train and air tickets to poor workers to help them visit home for Tết.

Trần Đoàn Trung, vice chairman of the federation, said 4,000 workers would be gifted vouchers worth VNĐ400,000 each for shopping online at Saigon Co.op supermarkets.

Though the Lunar New Year is only a few weeks away, many businesses have yet to announce employee Tết bonus plans since they were badly hit by the pandemic, he said.

“We will work with the Department of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs to ensure that all workers get a Tết bonus in accordance with the law.” 

According to the HCM City Centre for Forecasting Manpower Needs and Labour Market Information, more than 180,800 workers, or 47 per cent of the total number in the city, have been affected by the pandemic.

Some 42,300 lost their jobs since the fourth wave of outbreak began at the end of April.

The number of workers on furlough and with labour contracts temporarily terminated are 11,000 and 10,800. — VNS  
