Party General Secretary-President chairs Politburo meeting

June 21, 2019 - 23:30
Party General Secretary, President Nguyễn Phú Trọng chaired a meeting of the Politburo on Friday to approve personnel planning for the 13th Party Central Committee in the 2021-26 tenure. 


HÀ NỘI — Party General Secretary, President Nguyễn Phú Trọng chaired a meeting of the Politburo on Friday to approve personnel planning for the 13th Party Central Committee in the 2021-26 tenure. 

The meeting also considered personnel matters and disciplinary measures on some officials. 
After examining Report 08-BC/BCD dated June 20, 2019 of the steering committee for strategic personnel planning, the Politburo commended the committee for fully collecting opinions that Party Central Committee members had contributed at the Party Central Committee’s 9th plenum in December 2018, and followed strictly regulations and procedures in personnel work. 

The Politburo approved the planning for the 13th Party Central Committee (2021-26 tenure), and assigned the Party Central Committee’s Commission for Organisational Affairs to co-ordinate with related agencies, localities and organisations to conduct training and arrange work for officials listed in the planning, as part of personnel preparation for Party congresses at all levels towards the 13th National Party Congress. 

Based on Proposal No 374-TTr/BTCTW of the Commission for Organisational Affairs, the Politburo also made decisions on several officials under the management of the Politburo. 

The Politburo looked into a proposal of the Party Central Committee’s Inspection Commission dated June 7 on Party disciplinary measures against Admiral Nguyễn Văn Hiến, former member of the Party Central Committee, former member of the Central Military Commission, former Deputy Defence Minister, former vice secretary of the Party Committee of the naval force and former Commander of the force. 

The Politburo noted that during the time serving as vice secretary of the Party Committee and Commander of the naval force, Hiến bore responsibility for the serious violations of rules and mistakes of the standing board of the force’s Party Committee in implementing the board’s resolution on management and use of defence land under the management of the naval force. 

Hiến had to bear the main responsibility for the violations and mistakes of the naval force and personal responsibility for violating legal stipulations on land management and use and construction regarding 10 plots of defence land; violating the principle of centralised democracy and working regulations of the naval force; as well as slack leadership, supervision and inspection of the management and use of defence land. 

The Politburo also noted that the officer had acknowledged his political responsibility for the violations and mistakes of the standing board of the naval force’s Party Committee and of the naval force, as well as personal responsibility for violations and mistakes in performing his duties and tasks.  

The Politburo said those violations and mistakes were very serious, causing large losses of money and assets to the State and the army, and resulting in a number of officials and Party members in the naval force having been prosecuted and subject to criminal investigation, thus badly affecting the prestige of the Party organisation, the army and Hiến himself. 

Therefore, the Politburo decided to impose disciplinary measures against Hiến by stripping him of the following job titles: member of the Central Military Commission in 2005-10 tenure, and member of the Party Committee of the naval force in 2005-10 tenure (including the titles of vice secretary, member of the standing board and member of the Party Committee). 

The Politburo asked relevant authorities to decide administrative disciplinary measures against Hiến corresponding to those of the Party. — VNS
