Chairwoman of the Vietnamese National Assembly (NA) Nguyễn Thị Kim Ngân met National Secretary of the French Communist Party (PCF) Fabien Roussel in Paris on Monday.

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Top Vietnamese legislator meets leader of French Communist Party

April 02, 2019 - 09:00

Chairwoman of the Vietnamese National Assembly (NA) Nguyễn Thị Kim Ngân met National Secretary of the French Communist Party (PCF) Fabien Roussel in Paris on Monday.

Chairwoman of the Vietnamese National Assembly (NA) Nguyễn Thị Kim Ngân met National Secretary of the French Communist Party (PCF) Fabien Roussel. - VNA/VNS Photo Trọng Đức
Viet Nam News

PARIS — Chairwoman of the Vietnamese National Assembly (NA) Nguyễn Thị Kim Ngân met National Secretary of the French Communist Party (PCF) Fabien Roussel in Paris on Monday.

Ngân, who is on an official visit to the European country as guest of President of the French NA Richard Ferrand, conveyed congratulations of leaders of the Communist Party of Việt Nam (CPV) to Roussel on his election as National Secretary of the PCF at its 38th congress.

The two leaders noted the strong development of Việt Nam-France relations after the establishment of diplomatic ties 46 years ago and the strategic partnership five years ago.

More and more co-operation channels have been set up between the states, legislative bodies, the CPV and the PCF, localities and businesses of the two countries, they said.

Ngân briefed Roussel on Việt Nam’s development, with economic growth of more than 7 per cent in 2018, the highest pace in Southeast Asia.

Việt Nam is building a socialist-oriented market economy, she said, adding that after three years of implementation of the five-year socio-economic plan set at the 12th National Congress of the CPV in 2016, many targets have been fulfilled.

The more than 4 million Party members have served as the core force in realising the CPV’s policies and guidelines, the top legislator said.

The CPV has built a pure, strong Party, she said, adding NA deputies, on behalf of the people, have cast votes of confidence in high-ranking officials holding positions elected or approved by the legislature.

Roussel, for his part, hailed Việt Nam’s achievements under the leadership of the CPV, while congratulating the CPV on its political successes since its inception and in leading the Vietnamese people in the struggle for national liberation and unification as well as in the current cause of socio-economic development.

As Việt Nam is on the right track of development, communist parties of other countries will be inspired by its achievements, he said.

Mentioning the fierce competition, trade disputes and trade wars which have made unemployment rates and poverty increase globally, Roussel said communist parties worldwide should further co-operation.

Ngân said the CPV attaches much importance to friendship with the PCF. She lauded the French party’s role and contributions to France’s political arena and development.

The CPV treasures its ties with progressive forces across the world, she said, stressing that Việt Nam has pursued an open foreign policy of multilateralisation and diversification of international relations, and Việt Nam wants to be a trustworthy friend and partner of all countries.

She wished that the PCF will promote its role in localities, political arenas and international forums to support relations between France, the EU and Việt Nam.

Ngân took the occasion to convey CPV General Secretary and President Nguyễn Phú Trọng’s invitation to Roussel to visit Việt Nam.

The same day, Ngân had talks with President of the French National Assembly Richard Ferrand. — VNS


