Hòa Bình City former Secretary arrested due to gambling

August 07, 2024 - 19:50
Ngô Ngọc Đức, 50, former Secretary of the Hòa Bình City Party Committee, was prosecuted and temporarily detained for allegedly gambling.
Ngô Ngọc Đức, former Secretary of the Hòa Bình City Party Committee. — Photo baohoabinh.com.vn

HÒA BÌNH — Ngô Ngọc Đức, 50, former Secretary of the Hòa Bình City Party Committee, was prosecuted and temporarily detained for allegedly gambling.

On April 12 last year, the provincial Party Executive Committee and the provincial Party Standing Committee had a meeting and agreed to relieve Đức from all of his positions -- a member of the Hòa Bình City Party Executive Committee, member of the Hòa Bình Provincial Party Standing Committee, and Secretary of the Hòa Bình City Party Committee for the 2020-25 term.

The decision was based on his personal wishes, related to the responsibility of setting an example as a leader.

Đức’s hometown is Mỹ Đức District in Hà Nội.

He has a university degree, majoring in road and bridge construction and a bachelor's degree in politics, majoring in organisation.

Đức used to be Director of the Hòa Bình Province Department of Construction before becoming Secretary of the Hòa Bình City Party Committee. — VNS



