Nghệ An seeks to boost collaboration with UK localities

June 14, 2024 - 08:35
A delegation of the central province of Nghệ An led by Secretary of its Party Committee Thái Thanh Quý paid a working visit to the UK from June 11-13 to seek ways to strengthen bilateral cooperation, especially in trade, investment, hi-tech agriculture, tourism, and education.
Nghệ An Province's Party Secretary Thái Thanh Quý chaired a meeting with the delegation from the Communist Party of Britain, led by Party Chair Ruth Styles. — VNA/VNS Photo

LONDON — A delegation of the central province of Nghệ An led by Secretary of its Party Committee Thái Thanh Quý paid a working visit to the UK from June 11-13 to seek ways to strengthen bilateral cooperation, especially in trade, investment, hi-tech agriculture, tourism, and education.

During his stay, Quý had working sessions with representatives of the government and the Chamber of Commerce of Newhaven, and the Communist Party of Britain. Several roundtables introducing investment potential and cooperation opportunities with Nghệ An Province were also held, with the participation of representatives from the West London Chambers of Commerce, UK businesses, and Vietnamese enterprises in the host country.

In Newhaven, the first place late President Hồ Chí Minh set foot on when he came to the UK, the Nghệ An delegation had a working session with Mayor Pinky McLean-Knight and representatives of the government and the Chamber of Commerce of the town.

Quý said that Nghệ An, the hometown of the late leader, is willing to accompany and join hands with Newhaven in expanding the exhibition space about him at the Newhaven Museum and providing digitised data on the President to serve the museum's operations.

He expressed his hope to promote the two sides’ collaboration, firstly in culture and economics.

Meeting Chair of the Communist Party of Britain Ruth Styles, Quý expressed wishes to expand cooperation with the Party, creating a premise to develop cooperative activities in other fields between Nghệ An and UK localities.

At a roundtable introducing the potential and opportunities for cooperation with Nghệ An held in London, the province’s leader called for British businesses to invest in the locality, especially in the fields of high-tech agriculture, supporting industries, mechanical engineering, agricultural product processing, tourism, education, and training. He affirmed that local authorities always create favourable conditions for investors to do business in the province.

CEO of the West London Chambers of Commerce (WLCC) Alan Rides said that the WLCC is willing to support Vietnamese businesses in connecting with partners in the UK to seek business opportunities in the country. — VNS
