NA Chairman welcomes Luxembourg PM to Việt Nam

May 04, 2023 - 20:12
National Assembly Chairman Vương Đình Huệ welcomed Prime Minister of Luxembourg Xavier Bettel to Việt Nam on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of bilateral diplomatic ties.
National Assembly Chairman Vương Đình Huệ had talks with visiting Prime Minister of Luxembourg Xavier Bettel in Hà Nội on Thursday. — VNA/VNS Photo Dương Giang

HÀ NỘI — National Assembly Chairman Vương Đình Huệ has welcomed Prime Minister of Luxembourg Xavier Bettel to Việt Nam on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of bilateral diplomatic ties, believing that the visit will boost relations.

During a meeting with the guest in Hà Nội on Thursday, Chairman Huệ hailed the outcomes of talks between the Vietnamese and Luxembourg PMs, adding that he and the Vietnamese legislature highly appreciate bilateral friendship and cooperation via both Government and parliament channels, with regular exchange of high-level visits.

Despite having a relatively small population, Luxembourg is the third largest EU investor in Việt Nam and one of the countries to early ratify the Việt Nam-EU Investment Protection Agreement (EVIPA).

Huệ lauded the signing of many cooperation agreements between the two countries, especially the establishment of the Strategic Partnership on Green Finance framework. He thanked Luxembourg for its continued support to Việt Nam, particularly in poverty reduction and climate change adaptation.

Noting that Luxembourg is strong in finance and banking, the host said the Vietnamese NA was finalising the legal framework for these areas and suggested that the two sides strengthen cooperation and share lawmaking experience in them.

Bettel, for his part, said during his talks with PM Phạm Minh Chính in the morning the same day, Luxembourg announced two projects worth a total of EUR7 million to assist Việt Nam in environment protection and climate change adaptation. This showed Luxembourg's determination to help Việt Nam in its transition and contribute to preserving the environment and beautiful landscapes for future generations, he said.

According to him, both sides are organising an economic forum on Friday with the participation of 25 businesses from Luxembourg. Impressed by Việt Nam's economic policies amid the global recession, he said Việt Nam not only focused on economic development but also on greenhouse gas emission reduction.

On the occasion, he hoped that Việt Nam would soon waive visas for Luxembourg citizens, thereby facilitating economic, trade, and people-to-people exchanges.

As digital transformation is a priority of the Luxembourg Government, Bettel affirmed that Luxembourg was ready to share information on digital transformation with Việt Nam.

The Vietnamese leader described economy, trade and investment as potential cooperation areas for both countries.

Việt Nam welcomed more Luxembourg investors to the country which has great potential in both population and economic size. Both sides were well-positioned to maintain and improve a new supply chain amid complex and uncertain developments in the world, he said.

Agreeing with the guest’s proposal, Huệ affirmed that the two countries should continue creating favourable conditions for visa issuance on the basis of reciprocity. The Vietnamese National Assembly would consider this issue within its authority at the upcoming session, he said.

He also asked for Luxembourg's support in urging the European Commission (EC) to soon lift the yellow card warning against Vietnamese seafood exports for the benefit of EU consumers and the livelihoods of Vietnamese fishermen.

On the occasion, the host wished that both sides would promote parliamentary diplomatic ties.

Chairman Huệ conveyed his invitation to the President of the Chamber of Deputies of Luxembourg to visit Việt Nam. As the Vietnamese NA would host the ninth Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians this September, he hoped that the Luxembourg side would send a delegation of young parliamentarians to the event. — VNS
