HONGKONG SAR - Media OutReach - 5 February 2021 - For everyone, travelling in the recentmonths has been restrictive. However, you can in fact satisfy your wish oftravelling abroad while staying in Hong Kong! For example, if you are missingMacau and its strong Portuguese flavours, you must pay a visit to Bairro àPortuguesa in the Mira Mall in Tsimshatsui.
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Bairro à Portuguesa, managed by MichaelFranco the Portuguese Owner and Chef is the only shop in Hong Kong thatintroduces both Portuguese Culture & Food, offering authentic Portuguesespecialties, Fine Wines & Ports together with Organic Eco-friendly dailynecessities. Better yet, frozen foods and desserts have lately been addedproviding a much more comprehensive choice for customers. Products areair-freighted from Portugal to Hong Kong and are personally selected by Michaelfor their quality and uniqueness. This allows customers to easily choose from theirwide selection of fine wines, ports and other well known food products likeBacalhau, Chorizo & Sardines that will enable them to experience thisexotic food culture. Furthermore, you can also enjoy Portuguese desserts andcoffee from their Coffee Shop and take a short break from your hectic schedule tosample the comfortable lifestyle of Portugal.
Bairro in Portuguese means "Neighbourhood".Treating clients as neighbours, we do our utmost to present Portuguese Nationalfoods and Lifestyle Culture with authenticity, cordiality and quality. Fromstore design to selected goods, all are of unique quality and rich inPortuguese culture. Despite the exotic ambiance, you will still feelcomfortable and at home, as if in a localneighbourhood store. A number of authentic Portuguese specialties are available at Bairro à Portuguesa. IbericoPorco Preto (Iberian Ham & Chorizo), Delta Coffee Beans, wines from theDouro Valley & Alentejo, hand -made Condiments, Sauces & Jams from No.6,Meia Duzia. Incredibly, if you cannot wait till you are back at home to tastethese products you can sample them immediately at the store!
Galão in Portugual is a local favourtiehot coffee drink made from Expresso and steamed milk. Galão has a smoothtexture with an aromatic coffee aftertaste. Despite it's simple ingredientsGalao's unique blending of espresso-to-milk makes it one of the typical local favouritesin Portugal. It is even praised as the National Coffee and has become thePortuguese ideal beverage for breakfast and brunch. Bairro à Portuguesa carriesthe sustainable coffee brand DELTA CAFÉS, whose coffee is famous for itsblending proficiency, taste, aroma and smoothness. As a result, everyone canconveniently taste this unique Portuguese beverage while supporting globalsustainability and taking social responsibility at the same time.
A great sense of happiness! Authentic Portuguesedesserts
The newly launched Bairro à Portuguesa hasa variety of traditional and Portuguese Colonial style desserts. Everyone inHong Kong will be able to taste favourites like Serradura (saw dust puddings)and traditional Portuguese ChocolateMousse Cake, richly layered apple & orange cakes, Brazilian Coconutcheesecake etc. The dessert preparation is detailed, with reduced sugar forhealthy eating. You can choose to take it home or enjoy it instantly at thestore. Besides heart-warming happiness brought by these desserts we highlyrecommended paring with a glass of Galão at the same time. The tastescomplement each other and will make your taste buds blossom.
Cooking a decent Portuguese meal easilywith frozen foods
With the COVID-19 pandemic, cooking at homehas become a frequent occurance. With the hustle and bustle of a city like HongKong, easy to handle frozen foods have become a saviour for many families.However, Hong Kongers are reknown for being foodies and have high expectationseven for frozen foods. Luckily, this problem can easily be solved at The Bairrowhere you can select high-quality Portuguese frozen foods, such as Bolinhos deBacalhau (salted cod fritters), Bacalhau à Brás (shredded salted cod), beef fritters,shrimp cakes, frozen sardines, etc. Many ingredients can be cooked and ready ina few minutes with an air fryer. The preparation is extremely simple and evendefrosting is unnecessary! You can instantly be a chef and make delicious,good-looking and high-quality Portuguese cuisine to greet relatives and friendsat a party.
Savor mouth-watering Porco Preto Iberian hams on the spot
Portugal is located on the Iberian Peninsulaso when it comes to Iberian, the most famous Iberian ham probably springs tomind. This world-renowned quality air-dried ham is produced from Iberian pigs thatfeeds entirely on acorns. Evenly distributed fats, rich taste, and sweet andoily aromas of these Iberico pigs make everyone drool with envy. At Bairro àPortuguesa, Iberico Porco Preto ham and chorizos are available in both wholeand pre-packed at affordable prices. You can even try this unforgettable delicacyon-site in the store!
Must Try! Sole Agency for China & S.E. Asia of ArtesianHandmade Fresh Fruit Sauces from No. 6 Meia.Duzia
Fine Wines & Ports from Portugal
When it comes to wine, most people willthink of France. In fact, Portugal's history in wine making is as extensivewith numerous high-quality wineries located throughout the country. At the Bairroclients will find an extensive selection of wines from wineries located both inthe Douro & Alentejo wine regions. In this way, clients will have theopportunity to taste a plethora of high quality wines and ports in one place. Forthose who are new to Port wine, be ready for a surprise! The Bairro will also beholding Port Wine tasting courses and activities from time to time to increasethe public's awareness of Portuguese wines.
Lead an Exotic & Eco-friendly Lifestyle
Address:Shop No. 171, 1st Floor, Miramar Plaza Two, 118-130 Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui,Kowloon
For more information, please visit www.bairroportuguesa.com or
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#BairroPortuguesa #Bairro #葡匯 #葡萄牙文化及美食專門店 #伊比利亞半島黑毛豬火腿 #No6 meiaduzia人手製作鮮果醬汁 #meiaduzia #No6朱古力醬 #急凍食品 #地道點品 #黑毛豬火腿專門店 #Galao咖啡 #Delta咖啡 #葡萄牙手工皂