Mr. John Sharkey, CEO, KTSP; (Right) Andy Chiang, Senior Vice President and Managing Director, DHL Express Hong Kong and Macau)

SINGAPORE - Media OutReach - 2 December2020 - Enterprise Asia is pleased to present an impressive list ofsixty-one outstanding award recipients at the AsiaPacific Enterprise Awards (APEA) 2020 Regional Edition. These leadingfigures have set and proven themselves consistent and exceptional entrepreneurial spirit in going above and beyond expectationsduring this unprecedented year.
Established in 2007, APEA recognisesoutstanding entrepreneurs and organisation representing the best the industryhas to offer. An initiative by Enterprise Asia, the region's leading NGO, APEAis the largest regional recognition program, with over 3,000 nominationsreceived each year, and less than one-tenth of that receiving the awards in all14 markets.
This year, Enterprise Asia hasrebranded its flagship program -- APEA, from Asia Pacific EntrepreneurshipAwards to Asia Pacific Enterprise Awards with two additional enterpriseawarding categories - Inspirational Brand Award and Fast Enterprise Award inbid to further recognize championing enterprises in strong reputation andthriving growth. This brings APEA to a total of four awarding categories --Master Entrepreneur, Corporate Excellence, Inspirational Brand, and FastEnterprise.
Due to the impact of the pandemic, APEA2020 Regional Edition was commenced virtually on 20 November 2020 with thetheme of 'Accelerating Growth BeyondBorders'. The theme objective is to unlock boundariesand shifting businesses to move beyond adaption and lead with impact. The APEAhas gathered distinguished business leaders and organizations across 14countries and markets into one unparalleled platform in fostering thecontinuity of sustainable entrepreneur growth in Asia.
Company Introduction
EngroFertilizers' journey began in 1964 when Esso set up a Urea plant with an annualcapacity of 173,000 tons after a successful agreement signed with Government ofPakistan. By 1991, Exxon had divested their fertilizer business globally,leading to Pakistan's first management buy-out in partnership with local andinternational financial institutions. The Company was renamed Engro ChemicalsPakistan Limited. In 2009, after a de-merger, a fully owned subsidiary EngroFertilizers Limited (EFERT), was formed.
EngroFertilizers has a complete portfolio of agricultural inputs, ranging frommanufactured and imported fertilizers, specialty fertilizers, seeds andpesticides and extending to agricultural services, including a pan-Pakistanlogistics and warehousing services.
Corporate Culture
TheCompany's Code of Conduct ensures a workplace environment where employees feelsafe, respected, and appreciated. Engro Fertilizers aims to attract, induct,develop, retain, and motivate high calibre talent that is qualified, capable,and willing to contribute towards the Company's objectives. They are an equalopportunity employer fostering development while harvesting an environment freefrom discrimination and harassment. The Engro Fertilizers' Board of Directorshas defined measurable KPIs to encourage gender diversity across the organisation.The Company's work culture evolved as a result of the pandemic as they quicklyadapted to incorporate work from home initiatives leveraging technology for thesafety of their workforce.
TheCompany's true vision is demonstrated by their CSR wing -- Engro Foundation --which strives to improve the lives of people living in low-income communitieswith multiple impact-driven investments. Their PAVE project has been recognisedglobally for empowering farmers, conducting capacity trainings, providingquality equipment, and improving their yield and livelihood effectively. In2019, Engro Fertilizers also launched Engro Ehsaas Project to improveengagement and strengthen community ties across the country. During thepandemic, Engro Fertilizers aimed to contribute over PKR 500 million indonations and other rehabilitation projects to ensure people safety in thecommunities they operate in.
Achievements and Impact
Apurpose-driven organization, Engro Fertilizers is cognizant of their role inthe quest to transform Pakistan's agricultural landscape. Over the years, theyhave shown tremendous growth; both in operations as well as their nationalfootprint with an increase in urea production by over 20% (up to 2 millionmetric tonnes) and growth of market share of Urea and Phosphates for to 32% and28% respectively; leading to a whopping topline growth of over 75% (2016 to2019). This was made possible with the successful implementation of new SAP S4Hana ERP in 2019 and the launch of new business division (Logistics) in FY2019commanding 195+ trucks in service.
Future Direction
They continue to growand enhance on the lines of operational excellence and sustainable progress.They take pride in maintaining quality deliverance, sufficing to their strongbrand recognition in the country. They enjoy a sustainable capacity tointegrate synergies, accommodate new products, incorporate advanced technology,and develop end-to-end agri-based value added solutions for their ultimatebeneficiaries. With an aim to contribute to high farmer productivity,continuous progress of operational excellence, strategic partnership activitieswith farmers, enhancing their market and giving back to the community, theyadapt to a sustainable framework of resource allocation where efficient employmentof capital basis can help them achieve their strategic objectives. The Companyaims to improve its market share in the years to come all the while being cognizantof its responsibility towards ensuring food security in the country. They lookforward to study the agricultural landscape from a holistic lens, building on amulti-dimensional paradigm where product enhancement, regions' agri-yield,farmers' living standards, financial planning and government's support promotesustainable growth and continue profitability in the years to come.
EnterpriseAsia is a non-governmental organisation in pursuit of creating an Asia that isrich in entrepreneurship as an engine towards sustainable and progressiveeconomic and social development within a world of economic equality. Its twopillars of existence are investment in people and responsible entrepreneurship.Enterprise Asia works with governments, NGOs and other organisations to promotecompetitiveness and entrepreneurial development, in uplifting the economicstatus of people across Asia and in ensuring a legacy of hope, innovation andcourage for the future generation. For further information, visit www.enterpriseasia.org.
Launched in 2007, the Asia PacificEnterprise Awards is the region's most prestigious awards for outstandingentrepreneurship, continuous innovation and sustainable leadership. The Awardprovides a platform for companies and governments to recognise entrepreneurialexcellence, hence spurring greater innovation, fair business practices andgrowth in entrepreneurship. As a regional award, it groups together leadingentrepreneurs as a powerful voice for entrepreneurship and serves as aby-invitation only networking powerhouse. The program has grown to encompass 14countries and markets all over Asia. For more information, visit: www.apea.asia