SINGAPORE - Media OutReach - 2 December2020 - Enterprise Asia is pleased to present an impressive list ofsixty-one outstanding award recipients at the Asia Pacific Enterprise Awards(APEA) 2020 Regional Edition. These leading figures have set and proventhemselves consistent and exceptional entrepreneurial spirit in going above and beyond expectationsduring this unprecedented year.
Established in 2007, APEA recognises outstanding entrepreneurs and organisation representing the best theindustry has to offer. An initiative by Enterprise Asia, the region's leadingNGO, APEA is the largest regional recognition program, with over 3,000nominations received each year, and less than one-tenth of that receiving theawards in all 14 markets.
This year, Enterprise Asia hasrebranded its flagship program -- APEA, from Asia Pacific EntrepreneurshipAwards to Asia Pacific Enterprise Awards with two additional enterpriseawarding categories - Inspirational Brand Award and Fast Enterprise Award inbid to further recognise championing enterprises in strongreputation and thriving growth. This brings APEA to a total of four awardingcategories -- Master Entrepreneur, Corporate Excellence, Inspirational Brand,and Fast Enterprise.
Due to the impact of the pandemic, APEA2020 Regional Edition was commenced virtually on 20 November 2020 with thetheme of 'Accelerating Growth BeyondBorders'. The theme objective is to unlock boundariesand shifting businesses to move beyond adaption and lead with impact. The APEAhas gathered distinguished business leaders and organisations across 14 countries and markets into one unparalleled platformin fostering the continuity of sustainable entrepreneur growth in Asia.
Christine Hau is a Co-Founder of the Hong Kong based,multi-award-winning architecture and design firm Lead8. She leads the CorporateDivision and is responsible for business management, operations, legal,financial and corporate governance strategies for the studio.
Christine is recognised for her ability to establish global channels,unite complex legal and compliance frameworks across multiple studio locationsand empower regional leadership. Key to enabling this is her knowledge offinance and taxation along with her experience in complex restructuring,international expansion and capital market transactions, as it pertains to thedesign industry.
Christine believes that successful entrepreneurs must commit to whatthey believe in order to fully live and execute their dream because this isespecially important to build trust in your staff, business partners andmentors. Not only that, she believes that action is the thing that ralliesothers to your cause, encouraging them to build the dream, learn and do more.
Established in 2014, Lead8 is an international multi-disciplinaryarchitecture and design studio with a reputation for fusing creative thinkingwith award-winning experience. The Company now employs over 250 people acrossHong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia and the UK. Under her leadership, Lead8 hasemerged as a fledgling upstart to a serious contender for some of the region'smost prestigious developments. The studio's portfolio has grown to a span morethan 500 projects across 40 cities including high-profile developments for someof the world's leading property developers.
Lead8's mission is to design ahead of the curve; creating places andspaces which engage, inspire and give back to the communities of today, andtomorrow. The team delivers an integrated approach which blends informedstrategy, cutting-edge technology and exceptional design skill to transformambition into meaningful built environments.
Corporate Culture
Lead8 knows their people are their best asset. They fostera culture of leadership and mentorship, offer an inclusive working environmentand access to an acclaimed portfolio, knowing that if their people excel, sotoo does the studio. As such, they have attracted a multidisciplinary team witha diverse and international mindset, growing to now represent more than 20nationalities and speaking over 15 languages.
The firm sees success as fostering leadership and collaboration -- givingteams the opportunity to grow both personally and professionally. Throughactive mentorship and a 'Design Review' programme, they have built their owncollaborative community, empowering young designers to bring new insight andinnovation with expert guidance to fuel the creative process.
Lead8 has been recognised for investing in their team and community. Theyhave received awards that range from their enhancement of retirement benefitsfor their employees, to their participation in awareness and fundraisingprojects with leading charitable organisations.
Growth Initiatives
At the end of 2019, Lead8 made the move from their founding Hong Kongstudio in a former industrial warehouse to a new Grade A office building toaccommodate a growing team. The move marked the firm's fifth anniversary andcoincided with a brand evolution to reflect Lead8's transformation from HongKong start-up to international award-winning design firm. The recent brandrefresh for Lead8 also provides greater platform for awareness in the industryand entry into new markets. The scope included enhancing the firm's digitalpresence and involved launching a new website and further social mediaplatforms.
Achievements Under Christine
Christine has led the establishment of the firm's business andoperational structure, and facilitated expansion across Asia and the UnitedKingdom. She has established an operational platform for an expanding teamworking across hundreds of live projects around the world. She spearheads allaspects of brand stewardship, corporate identity, marketing and communicationsstrategy and public relations. In the firm's fifth anniversary in 2019,Christine redefined the Lead8 brand. Embarking on a reimagining of Lead8'sphysical and digital presence, she managed the coordination of a newly designedstudio headquarters, website, as well as digital and printed communicationscollateral and merchandise. Christine's accomplishments are succinctlydemonstrated through the Company's financial performance, increasedproductivity, heightened brand awareness and strengthened internal and externalmanagement.
Lead8's Achievements and Impact
Lead8 hasachieved spectacular growth in just six years, expanding from a team of eightto now over 250 with offices in Hong Kong, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur and London, andmore than 500 projects around the world. Over the last two years, Lead8 hasbeen appointed by some of the world's leading property developers, owners andoperators including China Resources Land, Shangri-LaGroup, New World Development Company Limited, Hong KongInternational Airport, Hongkong Land and FrasersProperty Holdings Company Limited.
Beyond thecommercial fee-paying portfolio of work, Lead8 firmly established theircommitment to community from the outset. Looking to drive change and debate fortheir home city of Hong Kong, Lead8 forged 'HarbourLoop'; a self-fundedconceptual initiative which envisions connecting and transforming 23km of thecity's underutilised waterfront into anurban cycling and walking route for the public.
Lead8'svision has helped give a voice to the development of the city's beloved naturalasset. The team at Lead8 has presented the concept to Hong Kong's leadinggoverning body, spoken at multiple public and professional forums, beenpublished across the region's leading media and also recognisedby international programs such as the WorldArchitecture Festival and German Design Awards; all with the desire todrive positive change for the city.
Moving Forward
When thebusiness commenced, there was a belief in the inevitable success of the studio.Each member shared a passion for design, and the creation of places wouldpositively contribute to communities. This belief remains. Design is aboutsharing knowledge, and creating better communities for people to live, work andplay.
Looking tothe future, Lead8's portfolio continues to expand geographically withsector-leading projects. The studio's business expansion has always taken afluid approach - going to wherever opportunity arises. Lead8 continues toexplore opportunities around the world, across all sectors and services. Whileconfidential, current projects will see the firm expand their presence in newmarkets, adding project locations in Australia and Europe. The firm is alsoseeking to expand the office network, Mainland China is of key interest.
Asboundaries between sectors and markets blur, collaborations with new industrypartners will open new opportunities. Lead8 is well-positioned to adapt tothese new prospects and evolve their offering to benefit clients, communitiesand creatives.
EnterpriseAsia is a non-governmental organisation in pursuit of creating an Asia that isrich in entrepreneurship as an engine towards sustainable and progressiveeconomic and social development within a world of economic equality. Its twopillars of existence are investment in people and responsible entrepreneurship.Enterprise Asia works with governments, NGOs and other organisations to promotecompetitiveness and entrepreneurial development, in uplifting the economicstatus of people across Asia and in ensuring a legacy of hope, innovation andcourage for the future generation. For further information, visit www.enterpriseasia.org.
Launched in 2007, the Asia PacificEnterprise Awards is the region's most prestigious awards for outstanding entrepreneurship,continuous innovation and sustainable leadership. The Award provides a platformfor companies and governments to recognise entrepreneurial excellence, hencespurring greater innovation, fair business practices and growth inentrepreneurship. As a regional award, it groups together leading entrepreneursas a powerful voice for entrepreneurship and serves as a by-invitation onlynetworking powerhouse. The program has grown to encompass 14 countries andmarkets all over Asia. For more information, visit: www.apea.asia