SINGAPORE - Media OutReach - 19 November2020 - Chubb's annual Regional Day of Service inthe Asia Pacific took place over the week of 2 - 6 November 2020, with employeesin various countries and territories participating in community outreach projects.
In addition to our long-held focus on increasing educationalopportunities for underprivileged children, outreach efforts this year wereexpanded to cater to the essential needs of vulnerable segments of communitiesimpacted by the Covid-19 pandemic.
Creative communityengagement in the face of Covid-19
The needs of communities and methods of engagement havechanged as a result of the pandemic. Adapting to these changes, Chubb volunteersfrom both the general and life insurance operations developed innovativeoutreach programs designed for the needs of their respective communities.
Paul McNamee, Regional President for Chubb in Asia Pacific shared:"In challenging times such as these, there is greater impetus for Chubb and ouremployees to step up and help our local communities. For this year's RegionalDay of Service, our staff volunteers focused on initiatives which would havethe greatest impact on their communities. Through innovative use of technology andcontinued collaboration with partners, we were able to successfully executeoutreach activities while adhering to local health and safety guidelines acrossthe region. We are proud of and inspired by our employees who have risen to theoccasion and upheld the company's strong tradition of giving back to ourcommunities in the midst of a pandemic."
Brad Bennett, ChiefOperating Officer of Chubb Life added: "The Regional Day of Serviceis an important annual initiative that underscores Chubb's commitment to givingback to the communities where we live, work and serve. By focusing our efforts oneducation for the disadvantaged, we hope to improve their access to educationand drive a positive change for the next generation. We are proud to play ourpart in building a more successful society and a better world."
Cross-section of Non-ProfitCollaborations Reflect Chubb's Cultural Diversity
Eleven markets took part this year in a range of volunteerprojects, reflecting the company's cultural diversity across the region.Participating markets included Australia, China, Hong Kong SAR, Indonesia,Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, and Thailand.
Regional Day of Service activities included events such asan educational trip and building a community garden; virtual engagements like fund-raisingcampaigns and workshops using digital platforms; and the donation of scholarshipgrants, educational magazines, IT equipment and other necessities.
Regional Day ofService Highlights
For various reasons, Australia will mark the Regional Day ofService through community outreach activities from 9 Nov -- 11 Dec with theparticipation of over 100 employee volunteers.
In Queensland, Chubb volunteers will be supportingFoodbank's Christmas Hamper Packing, while in New South Wales, the Grosvenorand North Sydney office will be collecting toys and books as Christmas giftsfor the Smith Family's Toy & Book Appeal.
The Perth office will be helping the Perth Homeless SupportGroup prepare and distribute food to the homeless, and the South Australia teamwill be supporting Backpacks 4 SA Kids Inc by packing backpacks for childrenwho have been removed from their homes, often in traumatic situations.
Staff volunteers conducted a presentation on environmentalawareness for students of Puming Primary School in Shanghai and organized aquiz after the session. During the first week of December, employees will alsobe visiting the Chubb Hope School in Fengning, Hebei Province, where they willbe presenting a donation of funds to the school and engaging with the students.
Hong Kong SAR
Thirty volunteers from Chubb's general and life insuranceoperations in Hong Kong attended two workshops held by the St. James'Settlement Jockey Club Upcycling Center, where they learned to use upcycledmaterials to make mask covers and cardholders. After the workshops, thefinished items, together with souvenirs, were delivered to underprivilegedchildren supported by St James Settlement.
In Indonesia, Chubb continued its support of the SOSChildren's Villages (SOS) by organizing a series of virtual workshops forapproximately 190 children and 55 caregivers located in Cibubur (East Jakarta),Flores (East Nusa Tenggara) and Meulaboh (Aceh).
Over thirty staff volunteers produced educational materialand conducted hands-on activities for the children. The virtual workshopscovered topics ranging from environmental awareness to entrepreneurship andincluded interactive activities like building mini-volcanoes and tie-dyingt-shirts. Caregivers also attended a workshop and sharing session on adolescentpsychology, communication and sex education.
Last but not least, computer equipment and projectors weredonated to support home-based learning at SOS in Jakarta/Bogor.
Due to Covid-19 restrictions in Korea, Chubb's general andlife insurance operations tapped on digital platforms to organize creativefund-raising campaigns in support of the Community Chest of Korea.
Using the company's new healthcare app Chubb LifeBalance, employees donated points accumulated frommanaging their health through exercise, diet and the like. These points werethen totaled up and consolidated into a monetary donation that was channeled topurchase toys and educational items. Over 100 employees participated,contributing a total of 957,030 points.
In addition, Chubb Life Insurance in Korea also conducted theChubb Donation Challenge through Instagram, which provided matching donationsfor encouraging messages sent out to those affected by COVID-19 and tagged withspecific hashtags.
Through these campaigns, Chubb provided 2,000 socially disadvantaged childrenin 30 facilities nationwide with educational items and toys purchased from smalland medium-sized social enterprises.
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Eighty Chubb employees participated in Malaysia's Nature in NeighborhoodScavenger Hunt where they submitted photos of specified items like plants,insects, bicycles and recycle bins in their neighborhood.
For every complete submission, Chubb will be sponsoring oneunderprivileged child supported by Ti-Ratana Welfare Society, Yayasan SunbeamsHome to attend an online learning program conducted by Free Tree Society. The 60-90minutes program will cover topics like plant propagation, composting, and theclimate crisis as well as hands-on vegetable planting experience.
New Zealand
Volunteers from New Zealand worked with Kelmarna Community Gardens to promote ahealthy community environment and sustainable living. Employees helped with a varietyof tasks including creating a new community garden space, the removal of weeds,creating a new compost zone, refreshing the chicken coup, cleaning andrenovating the community shop.
Meanwhile in the Philippines, Chubb's general insuranceoperation and Chubb Business Services collaborated to raise funds for YapakElementary School. Donations from 100 employees were used to procure equipment likecomputers and wi-fi devices, and other supplies to support online learning asschools continue education amidst the pandemic.
In Singapore, employees donated to a virtual fund-raisingcampaign to provide essential food items for needy families supported by BeyondSocial Services (Beyond). Our intermediaries and distribution partners werealso invited to support the campaign, which raised over S$9,000. Staffvolunteers helped with the packing and distribution of essential food items toapproximately 60 families.
Volunteers also worked with DBS Bank, Chubb's strategicpartner and a leading financial services group headquartered in Singapore, andBeyond to provide virtual and face-to-face financial literacy lessons forchildren from lower income families during the upcoming school holidays.
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Chubb Life Insurance in Taiwan collaborated with GlobalViews-Commonwealth Publishing Group on the monthly donation of educationalmagazines to 15 primary schools in remote locations for a whole year. Staffvolunteers visited one of these schools, Cheng Bin Primary School in Keelung,where they interacted with the students and introduced them to the insuranceindustry.
Volunteers also helped to proof-read books before they areconverted into audio books by the Taipei Parents' Association for the Visually Impaired.A Christmas flea market will also be organized in December for staff to raisefunds for the association.
In addition, Chubb's general insurance operation organized avirtual fundraiser in support of Taipei Happy Mount, a facility that cares forthe mentally challenged. Employees will be visiting the facility for a day,where they will hold a gingerbread house handicraft session for the childrenand help with the cleaning and maintenance of the grounds.
Continuing their "Say Yes To Less Plastic" campaign, ChubbLife Insurance in Thailand collaborated with the Teach for Thailand Foundation(TFT) and organized a virtual contest for students to submit ideas to reduceplastic usage in their schools.
Employees also raised funds through online auctions ofpre-loved items to support green initiatives and prizes for the shortlistedteams.
Chubb's general insurance operation organized a flea marketto encourage staff to reduce, reuse and recycle. During the popular event,there were efforts to raise funds for the "Less Plastic" project, whichrecycles used plastic bottles into personal protective equipment (PPE) formedical staff.
In addition, an educational trip was organized for 100 secondaryschool students (grades 7 to 9) under the TFT network. They were accompanied by100 Chubb volunteers on the visit to Khlong Khon Mangrove Forest ConservationCenter, where they learned and participated in environmental and sustainabilityawareness activities.
Students from the TFT network were also invited to take partin an environmentally-themed drawing contest organized by Chubb where 25 studentsout of 200 won scholarship grants worth a total of 105,000 Baht.
Chubb is the world's largest publiclytraded property and casualty insurance company. With operations in 54 countriesand territories, Chubb provides commercial and personal property and casualtyinsurance, personal accident and supplemental health insurance, reinsurance andlife insurance to a diverse group of clients. As an underwriting company, weassess, assume and manage risk with insight and discipline. We service and payour claims fairly and promptly. The company is also defined by its extensiveproduct and service offerings, broad distribution capabilities, exceptionalfinancial strength and local operations globally. Parent company Chubb Limitedis listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: CB) and is a component of theS&P 500 index. Chubb maintains executive offices in Zurich, New York,London, Paris and other locations, and employs approximately 33,000 peopleworldwide. Additional information can be found at: chubb.com.
Chubb's franchise inthe Asia Pacific comprises an extensive network of operations servingAustralia, China, Hong Kong SAR, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Macau SAR, Malaysia, Myanmar,New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam.