HONG KONG, CHINA - Media OutReach - 11 August 2020 - Boutir, a social mobile commerce solution andmulti-channel commerce platform provider, has produced a new TV commercialseries titled the Three Boutir Genies, which showcases through sci-fi animationhow Boutir's easy-to-use mobile interface can effectively address merchants'pain points associated with setting up an online shop.
The new TV commercial series waspremiered on Viu TV on 27 July. It features three fictional genie figures inthe e-commerce realm, the Web Bouncer, the Multitasker, and Payment Handler,each representing a set of common pain points of online merchants, such as notknowing how to design and launch the online store, manage the administrative,logistics and advertising, and process the large amount of payments. However,Boutir's simplified and easy-to-use mobile interface allows merchants to set upan online store effortlessly. The TV commercial campaign comes with the tagline "your online store solution from a mobile phone", accentuating on the manyfeatures of Boutir's one-stop mobile solution for integrated store managementwith the choice of multiple payment methods and the ease with which merchantscan launch their online stores.
Boutir is anchored on four corevalues: Simple, Mobile, Social and Data. Earlier this year, Boutir became aFacebook Preferred Partner for Commerce and a Google Partner for AdWords inHong Kong, and it was the first vendor in the region with a mobile applaunching an online store. In June, Boutir's In-App Ad Buying Feature Programwill further help merchants automatically install the Facebook Pixel trackingcode through its interface API under the program, thereby establishing productcatalogue, real-time links to Facebook store and dynamic ads to promote theirproducts. Merchants can place Facebook and Google conversion ads directly anduse the accumulated post-ad data -- beyond the current target, retarget andlookalike features. This enables SMEs to engage potential customers with bettertargeted marketing campaigns and gain revenue directly.
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Established in 2015, Boutir Limitedis a social mobile commerce solutions provider and multi-channel commerceplatform for individuals and corporate retailers to set up online stores andrun a retail business through mobile apps. Headquartered in Hong Kong, Boutircurrently works with 100K+ merchants, 2M products and 1.7M monthly activeconsumers, and has expanded into Southeast Asia.
Website: https://www.boutir.com/
FB: https://www.facebook.com/boutir.hk