HONG KONG, CHINA - Media OutReach- 10 August 2020 - RB Hong Kong is proud toannounce Dettol received the Health Partnership Award 2020 thatrecognized our contribution to Outstanding Community Service in PersonalHygiene under the category of Corporate Social Responsibility. The HealthPartnership Award is themed "Be your healthiest self", aims to raise peopleawareness of lifelong health and wellness, which perfectly connects withDettol's brand mission.
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Throughout the years, RB exists to protect, heal and nurture in therelentless pursuit of a cleaner and healthier world, and to help people makingaccess to the highest quality hygiene, wellness and nourishment a right and nota privilege. In line with such purpose, Dettol, one of RB's leading brands inHong Kong not only strives to provide trusted and a variety of products forpersonal and family health and hygiene but put ourselves accountable foreducation for the community at large.
Dettol understands that children's immunity systems are not yetwell-established. Washing hands is one of the most effective means to preventgerm transmission. Aligned with its brand purpose, Dettol launched the flagshipeducational program, Dettol Health Academy helping Hong Kong kids to develop simple butcritical handwashing habit, enabling them to prevent germ transmissionin their growing-up journey and thus, inspiring their parents on family hygieneand in turn contributing to a healthier community. Dettol Health Academy alsoembraced digital development and extended its life-engagement to teachkindergarten students in a fun and easily accessible way. Previously, the program wentout from classrooms and set up a mobile germ testing station on a school bus tovisualize hand washing steps, bringing a new learning experience to thestudents. Such new education format was endorsed by the Chinese University ofHong Kong and Save The Children.
Since its launch in 2011, Dettol Health Academy has beenreceiving positive recognition from different stakeholders. Over 90% ofinterviewed parents agreed the program helped improving children'sunderstanding of personal hygiene [1] . Until 2019, Dettol HealthAcademy has visited approximately 70% of Hong Kong kindergartens, more than 620schools in total, and educated kids aged at 3 to 5 years old to date.
Not only engaging in educational program for the nextgeneration, Dettol supports the Hong Kong community with public hygieneeducation. Dettol continuously shares hygiene and disease prevention related tips and education throughits websites and social media platforms to remind the public the importance ofmaintaining a hygienic environment and the means to break the infection chain,in order to create a cleaner, healthier world.
Hosted by ETNET, a prominent local media in Hong Kong, the Health PartnershipAward 2020 covers nine categories and recognises 28 companies for theiroutstanding achievements in making efforts and contributions to promotingpublic health and bringing excellent products. The award is selected by leadersfrom different professions and fields by assessing the companies in diversifiedfacets including innovativeness, functionality, market potential, benefits toconsumers, and public impact. In particular, the award category, CorporateSocial Responsibility, recognises and credits contributors who integrate socialand environmental and public health concerns in their business operations andinteractions with their stakeholders, especially in the ongoing epidemic ofPenyakit Virus Corona 2019 (COVID-19) period.
[1] According to "Dettol Health Academysurvey" in 2018, n=281.
The brand firststarted in hospitals 80 years ago, where Dettol Antiseptic Liquid was firstused for the cleaning and disinfection of skin during surgical procedures. As atrusted brand by doctors, Dettol was also used to protect mothers from illnessafter childbirth.
Ever since then,Dettol has been trusted around the world to help prevent wounds from infection,prevent sickness and help mums protect their families by killing harmful germsand helping to create safe environments for them to thrive in.
The brandcontinues to be one of the most trusted protectors of health. It’s still valuedtoday as a reliable and effective product which is safe to use on skin but alsopowerful enough to use for environmental germ-killing tasks.
Dettol is world #1[2] Germ Protection brand. Dettol also ranked first in Sales Value (HK$) in theHand Wash segment of Liquid Soap category for the 10-year period[3].
For more information, please visit: https://www.dettol.com.hk/en/
[2] Accordingto Nielsen’s global sales volume survey in 8 antibacterial product categoriesin 14-47 countries (The past 12 months until April 2014)
[3] Accordingto the Nielsen MarketTrack Service data in the Hand Wash segment of Liquid Soapcategory for Total Supermarkets, CVS and Drug Stores in Hong Kong from January2010 to December 2019 (Copyright © 2020 The Nielsen Company)
Established in 2011, Dettol Health Academy aims to educate the nextgeneration in Hong Kong on the importance of maintaining personal hygiene andhand washing techniques. In addition to face toface education, Dettol Health Academy often shares hygiene knowledge onlinewith interesting visuals and videos to enable children to learn more abouthygiene effectively, anytime and anywhere.
RB* is driven by its purpose to protect, heal and nurture ina relentless pursuit of a cleaner, healthier world. We fight to make access to the highest-quality hygiene,wellness and nourishment a right, not a privilege, for everyone.
RB is proud to have a stable of trusted household brandsfound in households in more than 190 countries. These include Enfamil,Nutramigen, Nurofen, Strepsils, Gaviscon, Mucinex, Durex, Scholl, Clearasil,Lysol, Dettol, Veet, Harpic, Cillit Bang, Mortein, Finish, Vanish, Calgon,Woolite, Air Wick and more. 20 million RB products a day are bought byconsumers globally.
RB's passion to put consumers and people first, to seek outnew opportunities, to strive for excellence in all that we do, and to build sharedsuccess with all our partners, while doing the right thing, always is whatguides the work of our 40,000+ diverse and talented colleagues worldwide.
Formore information visit www.rb.com
*RB is the trading name of the Reckitt Benckiser groupof companies