SINGAPORE - Media OutReach -14 July 2020 - Amidst the economic downturn from COVID-19, a number ofsavvy SMEs are experiencing business growth with the help of digitalisationfrom Heroes Of Digital, ahome-grown agency on a mission to help SMEs thrive via a combination of digitalmarketing and technology.
For businesses forcedto close during the circuit breaker, their survival depends on revampingservices and providing digital alternatives. In a competition of who adapts thefastest, non-digital SMEs have realised that this switch is not as simple as itsounds.
This is where a digitalmarketing agency like Heroes of Digital(HOD) steps in. From day 1, we have pushed our clients to unlock their fullpotential -- to rise above brick-and-mortar stores and stand out in acompetitive and crowded digital space.
"The most commonconcerns among SME owners are expertise and cost. They're afraid that it's tooexpensive to conduct their services online and train their staff. They alsolack the expertise to innovate and go digital. However, they are losing out totheir competitors who are already prepared for unforeseen circumstances such asthis." says Xavier Tan, Co-founder, Heroes of Digital.
But it is not too latefor SMEs to begin thriving digitally. HOD's Medical and Aesthetic clients, orFinancial and Professional clients, have tele-consultations and online chatservices set up to replace physical consultations while still delivering a highlevel of service.
"Almost overnight, weswitched our marketing strategy during the circuit breaker to incorporate moreproduct offerings, enhance our tele-consultation service and successfullylaunched a new product range. HOD's efforts have kept us in constant contactwith our potential clients and have allowed the clinical team to stay safe. Weare now fully booked for procedures until August and appear to havesuccessfully fought-off the huge revenue drop expected by most others." sharedDr Joshua Chong, Medical Director, Terra Medical.
Similarly, Educationclients, such as tuition, universities or enrichment centres have experiencedphenomenal growth after adapting their digital marketing strategies, via onlinelessons, virtual webinars and free trials with video-call technology.
As a start, HOD haslaunched several COVID-19 initiatives to help drive businesses into the digitalspace. To learn more about these specific initiatives, click here.
Heroes of Digital is adigital marketing agency with a mission to save companies from wasteful andineffective digital marketing. By adopting a data-driven approach with anintegrated digital marketing strategy combined with proprietary marketingtechnology, we help clients get maximum results from their budget.