MACAU, CHINA - Media OutReach - 13 July 2020- In response to the recent rumours circulating on the Internet, Alvin Chau,Chief Executive Officer and Director of Suncity Group, responded in avideo today, he said, 'According to the information provided by differentinstitutions, there is an indication that a nationwide anti-crime operation hasbeen conducting recently by the Mainland public security authorities, which iscompletely inconsistent and irrelevant with the "Targeting Suncity"as mentioned in the rumours. I strongly condemn all the rumour-mongering anddissemination of any unfounded information!'
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Alvin Chau made a detailed statementon three points in particular; first, the late rumours about "SuncityGroup subsidizing Hong Kong rioters" are extremely absurd andunreasonable. Deeply rooted in Macau with wholehearted devotion to theMotherland, Suncity Group never supports any actions that may jeopardize thecountry.
Second, the law enforcementauthorities in the Mainland China are said to possess customer information ofSuncity VIP Club. Alvin Chau emphasized that the Group has never received anyrequest from overseas or the Mainland China demanding customer information. Asan institution lawfully registered in Macau and regulated by the Macau PersonalData Protection Act, Suncity Group is strictly forbidden to arbitrarilydisclose any customer information. The Group's mobile app is operated andmaintained by a professional team, in which no customer information will bestored in the system, and the server placed in Macau. The 24-hour monitoringsystem has not recorded any hacker attacks. Alvin Chau reiterates that SuncityVIP Club has never encountered any leakage of customer information.
Third, Suncity VIP Club is undeniablyfinancially robust. To ease public concerns, Alvin Chau has disclosed the currentfinancial situation in the video -- Suncity VIP Club recognized a total amountof fiscal reserve of HKD 10.58 billion, the total amount of cash flows in Cageto be used in the daily operation of the VIP Club is HKD 18.6 billion, plus atotal deposit of HKD 16.5 billion in two Macau banks. The Group's total assets can absolutely beused to offset all chip deposits of all clients, foreseeable losses and baddebts.
Suncity Group has completely abided bythe law in operating tourism and gaming business in Macau. The Group hasneither any colleagues stationed nor participated in any gaming-related duty inthe Mainland China. All employees, funds and systems are entrenched in Macau, andin other countries that can operate VIP Club business legally.
Even confronting the COVID-19, SuncityGroup spares no effort in complying with the policy of the Central Governmentand as well as the Macao SAR Government, staying true to the spirit of thisyear's NPC&CPPCC Annual Sessions of ensuring economic and social stability.Until this very moment, Suncity Group has not laid off any Macau employee dueto financial pressure. The Group remains resolute in the commitment to achievea prosperous future together with Macau.
Alvin Chau, Chief Executive Officerand Director of Suncity Group finally stated that, we are now at a criticaltime of a global pandemic, while Macau is also undergoing a tough time, and everyoneshould be more united. He firmly condemns the actions of some rumour-mongerswho are constantly distributing false news and offensive information withmalicious intention to undermine the economy of Macau. He also advises not tospread any misleading messages which could endanger the employment of Macauemployees, the economy of Macau and even cause negative impacts on the mass.
Videocan be downloaded in below link:
SuncityGroup was founded in 2007. Since establishment, Suncity Group has been strivingto provide the extraordinary VIP entertainment service for our guests, and wethen opened a number of VIP Clubs in various 6-star hotels and resorts throughoutMacau with the rapid growth of our business. Meanwhile, we successively set upexclusive VIP Clubs in Manila, Seoul, Incheon, Phnom Penh and Da Nang, etc.
Adhering tothe spirit of "Innovating With Diversity, Striving For Success", Suncity Groupspared no effort to develop high-end entertainment services and products aswell as roll out global VIP loyalty program for the selected members to enjoyentertainment, travel, catering services, luxury shopping and motion picture.Today, the scope of our business covers most sectors, especially in the fieldsof global travel, film production, concert and event planning, catering andluxury goods.
As a Macauborn and bred enterprise, Suncity Group is not only devoted to develop theAsian market, but also oriented to expand the global network. In the future, wewill surely continue to diversify our VIP entertainment services, attract moreexclusive members and make every effort to promote our business in every cornerof the world.
Official Website | www.suncitygroup.com.mo/en