Vingroup to give 2,400 ventilators to Russia, Ukraine and Singapore

July 11, 2020 - 07:15
Vingroup to give 2,400 ventilators to Russia, Ukraine and Singapore

HANOI, VIETNAM - Media OutReach - July 11, 2020 - On July 10, 2020, VinGroup fulfilledits obligations to deliver ventilators to Singapore, Russia and Ukraine. Thisincluded invasive ventilators called Vsmart VFS-510 that VinGroup producedfor non-profit purpose to aid COVID-19 treatment in many countries.

Thanks to the countries' embassies to Vietnam, Vingroup initially gave 500VFS-510 ventilators to Russia and 300 VFS-510 devices to Ukraine.

Now a further 1,600 Vsmart VFS-410 ventilators as specified in thememorandum of agreement will be delivered for the second phase by August 30,2020.

VinGroup also gave 200 VFS-510 ventilators to the Embassy of Singapore inVietnam to help Singapore overcome the challenging current situation.

Speaking at the handover ceremony of the first batch of ventilators, KonstantinVnukov, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federationin Vietnam, not only acknowledged the outstanding success of VinGroup inconstruction, telecommunications, automobile industries, as well as othersectors in the economy, but also appreciated the company's engagement inaddressing the social issues and medical difficulties.

He said: "We have all seen the mutual support in the hardest of periods.The ceremony of awarding ventilators to the Russian Federation today continuedto affirm our fruitful friendship."

Once the handover has been completed, the countries' embassies plan totransfer ventilators to the localities, for the fight against the COVID-19pandemic.

Vingroup experts began researching the technology needed to produce themachines and mass production of the ventilators began three months afterthe research and manufacturing of the ventilators was announced to fightagainst the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

The Vsmart VFS-510 ventilator's circulation was licensed by the Ministry ofHealth of Vietnam, meeting demands of treating severely infected patients,specially equipped for medical facilities during the COVID-19 pandemic. It notonly proved VinGroup's efforts and dedication, but also highlighted thecompany's potentials and growth capabilities of technology in future.

VinGroup gave the newly manufactured ventilators to Russia, Ukraine andSingapore, which all have close relations with VinGroup and Vietnam showing Vietnameseenterprise's corporate social responsibilities in the region and all over theworld.

Reference information:

Vsmart VFS-510 is a special upgrade of the PB560 ventilator developed byMedtronic, widely used in Vietnam. VinGroup itself produced or localised 70percent of the components, including core and complex parts such as blower fan,circuitry (control PCBA, power circuit, etc.), in addition to making keyboards,display screens, cases, batteries, and even more.

In light of the stand-alone quality measurement by the state authorities andthe clinical evaluation by the top-tier hospitals, VinGroup's engineerscalibrated specifications for the cutting -edge line to guarantee that VsmartVFS-510 can optimise the international standards.

