HAMBURG,GERMANY - NEWSAKTUELL - 9 July 2020 - For 24 years the SPREE FLUGhas been flying passengers and freight throughout Europe in commercial airtraffic. Its strengths are its reliability, flexibility and professionalism.Absolute priority in flight operations is the safety of passengers and theirsatisfaction. The company's quality assurance system meets the higheststandards.
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Theiraircraft are stationed at Berlin-Schönefeld Airport, the future BER (Berlin-BrandenburgAirport "Willy Brandt"), and at Leipzig Airport. However, they arehardly ever to be found there, as they rotate throughout Europe as part of an"open base operation", here especially for GSB Gold Standard BankingCorporation AG, whose C-level-Managers also travel around the globe duringtimes of the coronavirus pandemic for their customers. SPREE FLUG focuses onshort distances to its customers, as flight requests have to be processedpromptly and, in line with the dynamics of the business, realised quickly.
The basisfor the success of this system is the independence of the operation from thirdparty providers in the planning of flights, which is especially appreciated byJosip Heit as Chairman of the Board of GSB Gold Standard Banking Corporation AGas a cooperation partner of SPREE FLUG, against the background of whichaircraft have currently been purchased which SPREE FLUG includes in its charterportfolio. The procurement of flight permits, selection of flight routes,preparation of flight schedules and all documents and records necessary for theflights are comprehensively realised by a dedicated Operations Team (OPS)within the company.
This enablesthe airline to respond quickly, efficiently and cost-effectively to enquiriesand short-term changes, which ultimately reflects in customer satisfaction andtheir booking decisions and is of essential importance, especially in thecurrent coronavirus pandemic. Customers of SPREE FLUG are cared for all around,be it in the choice of the hotel, the pick up from the place of residence orhotel to the airport or even in the organisation of the personal security ofthe passengers.
And if an aircraft is required for the selection of the destination, which theSPREE FLUG does not have itself against the background of the tonnage, noproblem. The aviation company has a worldwide network of partners who keep thedesired aircraft in stock, no matter if Airbus, Boeing or Global Express. Thenecessary aircraft is organized so that the customer can travel to hisdestination - reliably, punctually and relaxed, as owner and chief pilot PaulHäusler assures the Chairman of the Board of GSB Gold Standard BankingCorporation, Josip Heit.
Theemployees in the SPREE FLUG team are highly motivated and technically competent.When selecting the personnel, SPREE FLUG attaches great importance to strengthof character, loyalty, outward appearance and correct appearance towards thecustomers in addition to professional qualification. SPREE FLUG invests a lotof attention and the necessary time in the development of younger colleagues,just like in a football team, where the next generation is often the seed forsuccess.
The fleet ofthe SPREE FLUG Luftfahrt GmbH consists of aircraft which can fly to any placeon earth. Paul Häusler and Josip Heit rely on the latest technology for theiraircraft. The aircraft in the business jet sector of the Brazilian manufacturerEMBRAER meet these requirements. They are innovative, powerful, reliable andmeet the highest standards of comfort. Apart from that, they can be operatedeconomically and also environmentally consciously, which is in the interest ofSPREE FLUG Luftfahrt GmbH.
For twoyears now, the airline has been successfully operating the Aircraft type PHENOM300 E, among others. Further aircraft of this type will be added in the currentyear. In addition, it is planned to strengthen the fleet with the aircraft typePREATOR 600. These aircraft are manufactured by EMBRAER and delivered brand newto SPREE FLUG and GSB Gold Standard Banking Corporation AG. The SPREE FLUG willthen be able to fly destinations for the GSB Gold Standard Banking CorporationAG within a radius of 7.400 km, so that routes like Berlin to New York will notbe a problem.
The timeunder Corona is certainly a time with special demands. For Executive Aviationit is a time of new possibilities. In this respect, travel by business peoplein executive positions is becoming more individual. The time factor andtravelling in an environment where the risk of infection is minimised isbecoming more significant against this background, which is why tomorrow itwill be "We are ready to take off!