SINGAPORE- Media OutReach - 8 July 2020 - Infor, a global leader inbusiness cloud software specialized by industry, today shared its Asia Pacific(APAC) partner momentum in the region in FY20 with the strategic addition of 35 new channel and alliance partnersacross the region. These partners are specially recruited according to theirfocused industry-specific expertise and solution areas mapped and aligned toInfor's go-to-market strategy.
Of these, nearly35% of new partners are located in Southeast Asia, including 3MWorks Corp., novaHEALTH,Phitomas, and KMS Solutions who will bolster Infor's go-to-market presence in Singapore,Malaysia, Vietnam, Indonesia and the Philippines. With theseappointments, the Infor partner network expands to over 200 across the APAC market,including:
The recentadditions to its partner network has contributed to the adoption of InforCloudSuite Industrial by Indonesia customer Ismaya Group, a leader in buildinglifestyle brands in hospitality and lifestyle industry.
"At Infor we arecommitted to continued innovation and providing deep verticals-based functionalityof applications in the cloud. APAC is our fastest-growing region globally andwe are witnessing an increasing appetite for industry-specific SaaS solutionsin Southeast Asia," said Fabio Tiviti, Vice President of Infor ASEAN. "Thegrowing momentum of our partner network brings us closer to our customers andwe are confident that we will remain the trusted partner ofchoice in this region."
Partner Quotes
"The Infor -- KMSpartnership is a powerful combination. Infor's world-class, industry-specific solutionsuite and understanding of complex digital processes, combined with KMS'leading management consulting services for next-generation services willsupport our clients through successful transformations," said Duy Le,General Director, KMS Solutions. "It is a sheer delight to team up with Infor. We believe the breadth and depth of Infor'sinnovative solutions portfolio is exactly what our customer base in Vietnam islooking for."
"As aglobal robotics technology leader specializing in smart logistics solutions, itis extremely important to Geek+ that we can offer our customers a comprehensiveWarehouse Management System with a broad industry support to meet theirbusiness demands. Together with Infor, we will build a deep product integrationbetween Infor Warehouse Management System and Geek+ Robot Management System. Inthe end, we will take what otherwise to be a custom solution to become astandardized product supported by both companies. Combining the strength ofInfor and Geek+, we will provide the best-of-breed yet integrated solution toour customers. It allows users to implement robotics automation and artificialintelligence solutions with remarkable ease. We are thrilled by the newpotential value that Infor and Geek+ can together bring to our customers," saidMo Shen, Vice President -- Platform Engineering of Geek+.
Zyllem's CEO Noam Berda said, "With the fast-changingdistribution and commerce industry, more and more enterprises are doing theinevitable--digitizing their distribution networks. Zyllem's partnership with Infor brings a trulypromising solution for enterprises to not only keep pace, but be one step ahead of these changes. Together, we are bringing a fully-integratedsolution beyond warehouse management, encompassing end-to-end supply chainmanagement at a lower TCO and faster."
novaHEALTH's CEO Lai TeikKin said,"We were on the lookout for robust business solutions to match pace with thedynamics in the healthcare sector. With next-generation solutions such as InforCloverleaf and Infor SunSystems, Infor became a natural choice. We endeavor tobring greater value to our clients and to enhance our current portfolio bypartnering with Infor."
"Infor has a strong suiteof solution and proven capabilities that are aligned to our customers' needs. Withthis partnership, we hope to achieve accelerated business growth in themarket," said Gemma Garcia, President, 3MWorks Corp.
Media Contact:
Phyllis Tan
Infor Asia Pacific
+65 9799-9133
Infor is a global leader in business cloud software specialized byindustry. With 17,300 employees and over 68,000 customers in more than 170countries, Infor software is designed for progress. To learn more, please visitwww.infor.com.
Infor customers include: