SINGAPORE - MediaOutReach - 7 July 2020 - Kincentric, a SpencerStuart Company, today announced the appointment of Andrew How as SingaporeMarket Leader, where he will focus on client development and solutions acrossCulture & Engagement, Leadership Assessment & Development, and HR &Talent Advisory. Kincentric helps organizations unlock the power of people andteams through their unique approach to human capital.
In his new role, Andrew will leadclient engagements and spearhead the company's strategy and expansion of its HRadvisory services in the region. As market leader, he will be integral inestablishing and maintaining Kincentric's outcome-oriented client relationshipsin both Singapore and Indonesia, through trust-building and the provision ofgenuine value and long-lasting impact.
As Kincentric strengthens its clientofferings, the new appointment will further fortify the company's capabilitiesin HR and talent advisory for the public sector and for large localorganizations HR and talent advisory in the region. Andrew brings with him morethan 20 years of experience as a management consultant in human capital issuesrelated to talent management, leadership and organizational development forregional business leaders, local family conglomerates and growth-orientated SMEfirms in Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, India, Indonesia, Sri Lankaand Japan.
"Kincentric is delighted to announcethe appointment of Andrew How. He joins Kincentric at a time when our clientsrequire the highest quality advice to help them navigate the current economicand health challenges. Kincentric's advisory solutions are being extensivelyutilised by our clients to ensure highly engaged workforces. Andrew has anextensive track-record of helping organizations improve their business performancethrough innovative HR, talent and leadership solutions," said Stephen Hickey -- Partner,Kincentric APME.
Alongside Andrew's extensive experienceand understanding of the regional market, Kincentric's HR and talent advisoryservices will continue to aid Singapore and Indonesia clients in thedevelopment of Human Capital & Talent Strategies such as driving employeeengagement, implementing performance culture and scorecards, managing talent& high potentials, creating leaders and top-team intervention effortsand advisory.
Kincentric, a Spencer Stuart company,approaches human capital differently -- we help you identify what drives yourpeople, so they can drive your business. Our decades of expertise in cultureand engagement, leadership assessment and development, and HR and talentadvisory services enable us to help organizations change from the inside. Ourglobal network, proven insights and intuitive technologies give us new ways tohelp clients unlock the power of people and teams. For more information, visit kincentric.com.