VALLETTA, MALTA- Media OutReach - July 02, 2020 -Ceevo today announces the launch of itsautomated-onboarding (AOB) payment gateway solution across Europe, offeringlocal merchants a fast and simple plug-and-play payments solution. Find out howwe can help them capitalise on growing cross-border ecommerce opportunities at www.ceevo.com.
Supported bythe company's international reach and financial and technological expertise,Ceevo handles all the complexity of international payments including security,regulations, and a vast range of payment options so merchants can focus ongrowing their businesses.
The PaymentChallenges of Cross-border Ecommerce in Eastern Europe
While EasternEurope is one of the fastest growing ecommerce markets on the continent,growing at a steady rate of 10.3% year-on-year, the region's merchants remainhugely underserved: many international providers are yet to actively target theregion, and domestic players are unable to provide the right solutions andservices to support businesses with international ambitions.
Ceevo'ssolutions are tailored to meet the specific needs of merchants looking toprocess online payment transactions for their customers in the EU (EuropeanUnion) and international markets. While the Ceevo solution is available to allEuropean merchants, Ceevo believes that Eastern European merchants areparticularly underserved and that its solution will bridge the payments gap forthese merchants who are keen to expand out of their homegrown markets.
A recent Ceevo surveyof small online retailers in East Europe revealed that the top two concerns forsmall online retailers payments are security (42%) and cash flowmanagement (21%), while unaccepted payment methods (30%) is cited as the mostfrequent problem experienced at checkout.
Moreover, 32.5%of respondents also stated that most of their sales were made cross-channel andvia marketplaces like Amazon and eBay. The top three concerns for thesebusinesses in cross-border payments are currency and payment processes andadapting to real-time exchange rates (25%), customer support and service(24.17%) and reconciling payments from other countries (23%). Respondents alsocited the integration of digital payments and the challenges of keeping up withrapidly evolving consumer trends, along with complex EU regulations, asbarriers to exploring opportunities for growth outside their homemarkets. The Ceevo automated onboarding and payment gateway solution incorporates the latest technology tools toaddress these concerns and provides merchants with a seamless solution toparticipate in the digital economy.
Philip Meyer, Group CEO of Ceevo said, "Inevitably, many small online retailers are missing out onthe opportunity to sell their goods and services internationally and aretherefore unable to scale their businesses if they are not able to acceptpayments from any prospective customers. The reality for small businesses isthat they're worrying about payment technology when they should be focused onrunning their businesses - something we felt was very important to address byproviding a user-friendly solution which caters for local languages and rapidintegration."
Ceevo -Empowering Businesses to Accept Almost Any Type of Payment from Anywhere
Ceevo hastailored its payments solutions to directly address the challenges faced bythese businesses. It offers fast and automated onboarding without additionalcompliance overheads, self-service support that includes public documentationand a customer support section to help merchants troubleshoot payment issues.Ceevo also provides intuitive dashboards that enable easier multi-channelmanagement to have your business operating soonest.
Philip Meyer furthercommented, "With Ceevo payments we want to empower merchants to sell to alltheir potential customers across the EU markets and beyond. We want to be achampion for small businesses and enable them, through our services, to focuson the things that matter instead of the confusing world of payments. Oursolutions will make it easier for customers to accept payments from anybody, inany currency, from anywhere in the world without needing legal or technicalexpertise. We look forward to partnering with more types of merchants than everbefore and supporting the next wave of businesses fueling growth in Europe andthe rest of the world."
Ceevo is a newproduct launched by the Ceevo Group - formerly known as Net1's InternationalPayments Group, comprising of Transact24 and MasterPayment. The Ceevo Group isa leading international payment services provider offering payment processing,credit and debit card acquiring, transaction security and regulatory complianceservices. It is a subsidiary of NASDAQ-listed international financialtechnology solutions provider, Net1 UEPS Technologies Inc (NasdaqGS: UEPS, JSE:NT1).
The Ceevo Group specialises in internationalpayment service solutions that empower businesses to accept almost any type ofpayment from anywhere in the world.
The Ceevo Group comprises of the followingentities (which all form part of the "Ceevo" brand): Ceevo Financial Services(Malta) Limited; Ceevo Blockchain Ventures Limited; Transact24 Limited;Transact24 (UK) Limited; Transact24 LLC; and Masterpayment GmbH and itssubsidiary companies (Summit Payment Services AG and Masterpayment Limited).Ceevo Financial Services (Malta) Limited (Registration Number: C36102 ) isauthorised and regulated by the Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA) andTransact24 (UK) Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial ConductAuthority (FCA) of the United Kingdom (Register Reference Number: 900538).Ceevo is backed by the experience and technology of its parent company Net1UEPS Technologies Inc. (NasdaqGS: UEPS, JSE: NT1). For more information, visit www.ceevo.com