UTRECHT, NETHERLANDS - Media OutReach - 21 November 2019 - Ultimaker, the global leader in desktop 3D printing, and Gerhard Schubert GmbH, global market leader for top-loading packaging machines (TLM), collaborate to enable customers to print format parts for machines used to automate the manufacturing process of products from markets such as foods, confectionery, beverages, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and technical consumer goods. The machines, created by Gerhard Schubert GmbH, are very modular and can be easily adjusted to new products. Ultimaker supports the German company in facilitating their customers' need for customized parts to ensure maximum productivity, avoid transportation and logistical risks, and allow full cost transparency, predictability and uptime of their machines.
Well-known brands such as Ferrero, Nestlé, Unilever and Roche rely on Gerhard Schubert GmbH's automation solutions, as do many small, medium-sized and family-run businesses. The packaging machines from Gerhard Schubert GmbH are known for their flexibility, efficiency and reliable technology. To take their modular approach to the next level, the company invested in the creation of a digital warehouse and Ultimaker 3D printers to ensure their customers can get their hands on functional parts where they need it, when they need it.
Marcus Schindler, Head of Materials Management at Gerhard Schubert GmbH and CEO of Schubert Additive Solutions GmbH: "Our motto is think, make, store, print. We don't just offer 3D files. We carefully think about the right parts, make the designs and certify the print jobs. Furthermore, we store the designed parts in our Part-Streaming-Platform, our digital warehouse, and we consult our customers on how to print. We selected the Ultimaker because of the ease of use, high print quality, the widest range of available materials and because there is no post processing needed with for the FFF printed format parts. Our digital warehouse is based on a monthly paid subscription model. Customers select the part they want for their machine online and simply send the certified .gcode file to the Ultimaker S5 we have made available for them. Our customers highly appreciate our flexible support in creating custom designs of parts that fully suit their needs. Altogether this makes our machines and services extremely agile."
Jos Burger, CEO at Ultimaker: "Gerhard Schubert GmbH fully embraced our vision of distributed printing. They design parts centrally, distribute these files digitally and manufacture the designed customized functional parts locally. We are proud to collaborate with Gerhard Schubert GmbH by offering our latest local manufacturing solutions and services. This way the innovators at Gerhard Schubert GmbH can focus on filling their digital warehouse and continue to offer their customers future-proof packaging machine solutions their everchanging industries require."
Watch the video here: https://ultimaker.com/learn/schubert-a-digital-warehouse-for-on-demand-manufacturing
Since 2011, Ultimaker has built an open and easy-to-use solution of 3D printers,software and materials that enable professional designers and engineers toinnovate every day. Today, Ultimaker is the market leader in desktop 3D printing. From offices in theNetherlands, New York, Boston, and Singapore -- plus production facilities inEuropa and the US -- its global team of over 400 employees work together toaccelerate the world's transition to digital distribution and localmanufacturing. ultimaker.com
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