BANGKOK,THAILAND - Media OutReach -2 October 2019 - Twenty outstanding Thai entrepreneurs and organizationswere honored at the recently concluded Asia Pacific Entrepreneurship Awards2019 or APEA, held at Renaissance Bangkok, Ratchaprasong Hotel.
Aninitiative by Enterprise Asia, the leading non-governmental organization forentrepreneurship in Asia, APEA is the largest regional recognition program,with over 3,000 nominations received each year, and less than one tenth of thatreceiving the awards in all 14 markets. With the theme of 'Promoting Inclusive Economic Development Through SustainableEntrepreneurship', over 300 attendees were present at the by-invitationonly event, comprising of industry leaders and dignitaries.
Leading thelist of winners was Latex Systems who received the award under corporateexcellence category.
About Latex Systems
Establishedin 2003, Latex Systems ("LS") is one of the biggest manufacturers in Thailandwhich specializes in manufacturing and distributing mattresses, pillows andother accessories made from 100% natural latex.
TheCompany's business is divided into two categories, namely, non-branded businessesand branded businesses. For non-branded businesses, which consists of OEM, B2B,and B2G, it offers products to wholesalers, operators of bed sheets, departmentstores, and furniture stores from countries such as Australia, Canada, China,Korea, New Zealand, Singapore, and the US. For branded businesses, the companymainly targets B2B, B2C, institutions, and organizations through agents,exhibitions and trade shows.
LS' visionis to be the international leader of the bedding industry that is produced from100% natural rubber. The Company strives to achieve this vision by developinginnovative products to meet the needs of customers, utilizing technology to developbetter quality products, increasing production efficiency, and strengtheningand enhancing knowledge and competency amongst its employees.
The Company'sproducts are well-recognized by customers from domestic and overseas market.This is shown from the various accolades received, namely ECO which was issuedand tested by ECO INSTITUT GmbH, this test evaluates rubber content in relationsto synthetic rubber and filler and harmful substances; Thailand Trust Mark, asymbol of excellence and trusted quality which was established by thedepartment of trade promotion to add distinctive value to Thai products andservices; as well as Thailand Industrial Standard, a standard issued byThailand Industrial Standard Institute on production process, product test andproduct safety.
Currently,LS has two factories and three warehouses. Its factory in Bangna-Trad produceslatex mattress, latex pillows, and latex cushions. In 2018, it produced over68,640 mattresses, and around 2,071,000 pillows and cushions. Another factorywhich is located at Rayong Province produces latex pillows. The factory wasbought in September 2018. As of June 2019, the Company has over 515 employees.
Corporate Culture
With over450 people, LS has a core mission to conduct business based on ethical and goodgovernance frameworks as well as transparency and accountability according tothe corporate social responsibility (CSR) guidelines of the Stock Exchange ofThailand.
For the pastyears, LS continuously strives to find opportunities to organize socialactivities and actively instill the awareness of CSR among its employees.Besides, it strictly monitors and controls its operations to ensure compliancewith the regulations issued by the supervisory authorities. Some of LS'previous CSR activities include supporting the first Good Deeds Activity atChachoengsao Panyanukul School; supporting the Elderly Day event in Hom Sin,Bang Pakong through donations; participating in the project "Happy Communitywith Zero Waste"; and providing educational opportunities to students at"Kalahom Utis School".
Launchedin 2007, the Asia Pacific Entrepreneurship Awards is the region's mostprestigious awards for outstanding entrepreneurship, continuous innovation andsustainable leadership. The Award provides a platform for companies and governmentsto recognize entrepreneurial excellence, hence spurring greater innovation,fair business practices and growth in entrepreneurship. As a regional award, itgroups together leading entrepreneurs as a powerful voice for entrepreneurshipand serves as a by-invitation only networking powerhouse. The program has grownto encompass 14 countries and markets all over Asia. For further information,visit www.apea.asia.