HONG KONG, CHINA - MediaOutReach - 3 July 2019 - SINO JET is one of Asia's leadingand most respected Business Jet Operators. Apart from supporting clients in allareas of aircraft asset acquisition and management, SINO JET Academy is newlyformed to meet the growing demand in specialized hospitality training, which impacton social and professional success.
Ms. Jenny Lau, group president of SINOJET points out that there is an increasing demand for private jet service, moreprofessional and higher-level service standard is required for the industry.
"Lotsof business jet operators struggle with when looking for Top Notch CorporateFlight Attendants is finding experienced candidates. A three-day, intensive workshopfor commercial cabin crew who wishes to transition to work as a CorporateFlight Attendant or for those who are looking for a career change into theluxury business, would definitely help the process and credibility" says Ms. CindyTse, founder of the Corporate Jet Crew Program and currently Lead of CabinServices and Talent Development Manager of Sino Jet.
According toCindy, there is so much covered in the program, from ordering 5-star cateringto in-fight silver service, plating skills, flower arrangement, cabin stylingand so much more. On top of this, SINO JET Academy helps all participants ontheir portfolio with a professionalportrait taken in a studio to then adjust the CVs to be targeted and appealingto the industry as possible.
As part of thecourse, an exclusively 170-page guidebook is developed containing allinformation you need to know as a Corporate Flight Attendant. They are full ofpictures, hints and tips and lots of information which is yours to keep at theend of the course. Also, menu samples, catering resources, menus, planningguides and order forms are compiled in a program book so that you don't need tobe too worrying when you start flying as a Corporate Flight Attendant.
Whatare you still waiting for? Visit our website for more information: https://bit.ly/2Rri5Yc For any further queries, please sendemail to academy@sinojet.org
Media can downloadrelated Corporate Jet Flight Attendant, 7 Star Service photos and coursedetails from the link below: