NEW YORK, US - Media OutReach - July 3, 2019 - With the rapid development of Bitcoinand its bottom core blockchain technology, people have fancied the applicationof blockchain digital currency, and many Internet giants around the world havebeen on the road of cryptocurrency entrepreneurship. Since 2019, the MYPAYcreated by the famous American engineer Mett Rayan has attracted wide attentionfrom the global media.
On June 26, 2019, US time, a hugepromotional photo of MYPAY was unveiled in Times Square in New York. The loudslogan "Do not seek to change the world, only create more convenientapplications for life" lit up the NASDAQ screen.
The Times Square in New York is knownas the "crossroads of the world." Tens of millions of business elitesgather here every year. It is a veritable business core and a famous wealthlandmark in the world. Among them, the Nasdaq semi-cylindrical large screen isone of the most striking landmarks. It is known as the "No.1 world screen" andhas always been the showcase of the world's top outstanding companies.
MYPAY is positioned to support multi-chainfully decentralized wallets and is dedicated to building decentralizedblockchain banks as a tool for users to store digital assets, manage digitalassets and pay. Landing on the Nasdaq's big screen, it is seen as a symbol ofwealth and development potential, and has voiced the world, showing MYPAY'sdetermination to forge ahead in the field of digital cash payments and lead theglobal payment market reform.
Mett Rayan is a famous Americanengineer and founder of MYPAY. MettRayan has a strong background in stackdevelopment, UI/UX and marketing. Mett Rayan has established several financialapplications for Fortune 50 financial companies, global non-profitorganizations' distributed systems and e-commerce markets. Mett Rayan isinvolved in ethical hacking and has conducted in-depth research on the use ofcryptographic techniques and blockchain techniques in cryptocurrencies.
Mett Rayan believes that althoughfuture payments have been the direction of digital currency since itsinception, due to the decentralization of the decentralized distributedconfirmation mechanism of the blockchain, the delay time of the datasynchronization network is too long, which makes it difficult for futurepayment. The damage suffered has hindered the development of future payments.Therefore, in the future digital cash payment application, whether real-timetransaction can be realized is the key to whether users can accept it on alarge scale. In the blockchain digital cash space, the DAPP wallet is a trendand the only window for mobile customers to pay.
In 2018, Mett Rayan officiallyentered the blockchain industry and established MYPAY to develop a double-chainpayment system for the difficulties of digital cash payment.
MYPAY focuses on six systems (walletsystem, payment system, settlement system, financial management system,incubation system, credit system) and Equity Token (MPC) to achievemulti-currency secure storage, fast cross-border consumption, and fastcross-border settlement. , stable continuous income, STO + index trading, bigdata credit promotion. It customizes payment and marketing solutions for food,apparel, gaming, e-commerce, healthcare, accommodation, travel, financialmanagement and other industries. MYPAY wallet is rich in assets and insists onexpanding the types of digital currency. In addition to basic services,customers who use MYPAY wallets can also enjoy quantitative wealth managementvalue-added services.
Mett Rayan said that MYPAY, as amobile application payment window, is committed to completely solving theproblem of blockchain network delay, achieving international off-sitepeer-to-peer exchange, point-to-point fast exchange, currency transactiondiversion, and international merchants' fast payment. The landing of thisconcept will promote the development of the entire blockchain industry and eventhe payment market.
The person in charge said that MYPAYhas deposited more than 800 tokens and successfully launched the MYPAY walletand online alpha quantified transaction. Next, MYPAY will continue to developalong the wallet ecosystem, such as blockchain mall, quality third-party DAPPaccess, blockchain application finance, etc. It is expected that MYPAY EquityToken will be launched in 2020 with double-chain payment. The system will alsobe launched in 2020.
In the future development of the Internet, thevalue of the Internet based on blockchain technology will replace the existinginformation Internet, and the important position of digital currency in thevalue Internet will gradually emerge. The appearance on the big screen of theNASDAQ is a showcase of MYPAY's past achievements and the starting point for anew journey. It may lead us into a new era of paying for life.