SINGAPORE - Media OutReach - 4 July 2019 - Driven to enable the online success ofbusinesses and remove the silos in offline and online markets for aspiringentrepreneurs and small businesses, the international e-commerce company,Shopmatic announced closing 120,000+ customers. Shopmatic has achieved themilestone in less than three months, within the April-June quarter, alsosuccessfully clocking in a whopping 174% revenue growth & 160% transactiongrowth over the previous quarter. Beating the projections, Shopmatic is poisedto bring half a million merchants online before the end of this year. Riding onthe back of tremendous growth figures, Shopmatic will now also be pursuingfundraise worth 30 million in the Series B Round.
Shopmatic has pivoted its exponential growth on adisruptive offer launched prior to the beginning of this quarter. In a movemeant at transforming India's e-commerce landscape, Shopmatic made its powerfule-commerce platform available for SMEs and aspiring entrepreneurs at only Rs.50 for 1 year. The offer, furthermore, aligned the pricing model with theonline success of customers, charging only 3% as transaction fees following asuccessful sale.
The disruption brought by Shopmatic has successfullyremoved the roadblock of high anticipated capital expense and uncertaintyregarding the success of the online business. In addition, it inspired morebusinesses and talented individuals to explore the world of online selling, asreflected in the manifold increase in Shopmatic's user-base at present.
Commenting on the milestone, Anurag Avula, Co-Founder& CEO, Shopmatic, said "This is a milestone for Shopmatic towards itsvision of removing the roadblocks faced by aspiring entrepreneurs, talentedindividuals, and SMEs in accessing the world of opportunities offered by thee-commerce sector. Subsequent to the launch of our disruptive offer, we havesuccessfully closed 120,000+ customers and our revenues have grown by 174% overthe last quarter. More importantly, this exponential growth is a testament tothe predominant need in the market for the solutions offered by Shopmatic. Weshall continue to disrupt the status quo with our customer-first approach andare looking to raise 30 million for venturing into newer markets whilestrengthening our foothold in the national and international markets where weare currently present. Going by the current trends, we are on the right trackto bring more than half a million merchants online by the end of this year."
Shopmatic continues to invest in new capabilities andsupport its customers throughout their e-commerce journeys. Following itsmerger with POS & retail management solution provider, Octopus, Shopmaticnow offers an omnichannel approach to its customers for growing both theironline and offline businesses. Empowered by the tremendous success, Shopmaticis set to raise funds worth 30 million, to expand its business and enable theonline success of aspiring entrepreneurs, hobbyists, craftsperson, and smallmerchants. The Company recently concluded a Series A raise of 10.1 Ml SGD.
Founded in December 2014, Shopmatic has beendriving game-changing strategies in the ecommerce space and has engineereditself to stay focused on helping its customers succeed.
With its recent partnership with Octopus,Shopmatic is driving an omnichannel play for individual entrepreneurs andbusinesses in emerging markets, by enabling the entireecommerce-&-retail-management ecosystems for them to succeed.
From a domain name to easy integrations withdomestic and international payment gateways and shipping partners, to gettingdiscovered via a unique, curated platform- Shopmatic World to POS, InventoryManagement and CRM solutions, Shopmatic helps business owners manage the fullspectrum of what is required to grow their business.
Shopmatic is headquartered in Singapore witha presence in India, Hong Kong, China, Malaysia, Philippines and UAE. Thecompany is quickly expanding to the rest of South-East Asia, this year.
Shopmatic has since its inception, raised20ml SGD.
For more information, please visit www.goshopmatic.com or contact media@goshopmatic.com