TAIPEI, TAIWAN - Media OutReach - 4 July 2019 - 2019Interiorlifestyle, Tokyo will grandly take place at the West Hall of Tokyo BigSight in Japan from July 17-19. Led by National Taiwan Craft Research andDevelopment Institute (NTCRI), 8 excellent craft brands in art are headingtoward Tokyo, Japan for exploring a new vision of Taiwan's top-class arts andcrafts.
The press conference held at the NTCRI atJuly 4th morning, the prior to the opening of the exhibition wasremarkable with an art and craft presentation carried out in an innovativefashion that has never been done before. A hearing-impaired model Miss WuJia-juan, the TDCA ( TaiwanDisability Care Association ) Image Ambassador, was invited to be thespokesperson of this event. Miss Wu depicted the beauty of serenity that hasbeen infused in the creation of craft masters, who have given their craft workin arts the power of most beautiful nature!
There are diverse exhibits on site, such as" Full Moon upon theSky ," an artwork awarded by Yii, Taiwan Good Craft Judgment, 2018; " Nightsky ," a tea utensil set is awardedthe Golden Pin Design Award and certified as the Taiwan Good Craft; " Tie " with theadoption of tree bark in original colors features the pattern created bynatural wisdom; " Begonia - TeaBoat, " a contemporary shapecombined with tradition created by the consolidation of pure tin and copper;" Tenmoku Tea Site ,"a creation of concept by visualizing the tea foam as lightweight as a galaxy;" Taste Series "represents the correspondence and conversion of natural food and metalmaterials; moreover, " Hippo ," a series of healing gadgetsand a combination of multiple pieces of " Tea Spoon " in building a single lotus, apractical utensil and can be displayed as a part of interior design.
Each craftwork has transfusedtraditional crafts and aesthetics into daily life utensils that addcontemporary household life with a glamorous world of life. People worldwidewho are into cultural and innovation of arts craft are welcomed to visit thesite to jointly discover the charismatic aesthetics of living.
Time: 2019.07.17-7.19
Location: Booth No.A-42
For more information
Website: https://taipei.ntcri.gov.tw/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/taipei.ntcri/