HONGKONG, CHINA - MediaOutReach - 12 June 2019 - WWPKGHoldings Company Limited ("WWPKG", together with its subsidiaries, the "Group";stock code: 8069), a leading travel agent in Hong Kong, announced that theCompany as an investor entered into a cornerstone investment agreement withFeiyang International Holdings Group Limited (''Feiyang'') and Giraffe CapitalLimited, pursuant to which the Company has agreed to subscribe for the investorshares of Feiyang at the offer price. The maximum aggregate subscription pricefor the Investor Shares payable by the Company under the Cornerstone InvestmentAgreement shall be HK$5.0 million. The Group believes that its Cornerstone Investment will provide overseasdevelopment opportunity for the Group's businesses particularly by tapping intothe market in the People's Republic of China (''PRC'').
Feiyang is awell-established travel service provider based in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province ofthe PRC. Its principal businesses include (i) the design, development and salesof outbound travel package tours; (ii) the design, development and sales offree independent traveller products; and (iii) the provision of other ancillarytravel related products and services, including visa application processing,admission tickets to tourist attractions, conferencing services, localtransportation and arranging purchase of travel insurance for its customers. Today,the Group entered into a framework cooperation agreement with Feiyang, pursuantto which both parties shall collaborate to create and provide travel relatedproducts and services for the tourism market in Hong Kong and the PRC.
Mr. Chun NingYUEN, Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director of WWPKG, said, "TheGroup believes that, by offering regional expertise and complementaryadvantages to each other on strategic development, the cooperation andcollaboration with Feiyang will provide overseas development opportunity forthe Group's businesses particularly by tapping into the PRC market."
WWPKG was founded in June 1979. TheGroup has become one of the long-established and well-known local travelagents, with 39 years of business in the travel service industry in Hong Kongunder the brand "縱橫遊". Itsmajor business includes the provision of outbound package tours with particularfocus in Japan bound tours. The Group also offers other travel products andservices to customers including free independent traveller (FIT) products andother ancillary travel related products and services.
Currently, the Group sells products andservices through a number of channels including four branches in Causeway Bay,Tsim Sha Tsui, Mongkok and Shatin, as well as online sales platform. The Groupalso sells tailor made tours to customers through MICE tour department, as wellas sells travel products to other travel agents in Hong Kong and Macau.