TAIPEI, TAIWAN - MediaOutReach - 11 June 2019 - A total of 64 projects and businessleaders across 16 countries in Asia were selected as recipients of AsiaResponsible Enterprise Awards (AREA) 2019, an increase of 19% from last year. Regardedas the top corporate social responsibility awards in Asia, this year's ceremonywas organized in Taipei, after being held in Macau, Singapore, Bangkok, andManila previously.
Organized by Enterprise Asia, the leading non-governmental organizationfor responsible entrepreneurship in Asia, the AREA aims to recognize and honorAsian businesses and leaders for championing sustainable and sociallyresponsible business practices. The award categories are socialempowerment, investment in people, health promotion, green leadership,corporate governance, and responsible business leadership. Some of thedignitaries who graced the event include Mr. Chang San-cheng, former premier ofthe Republic of China (Taiwan) and Mr. Hou Yu-Ih, mayor of New Taipei City.
Leading the list ofwinners under the investment in people category was Taiwan Power Company (Taipower)with their project "Building the Soft and Hard Capacity for Professionals inthe Power Industry".
Established in 1946,Taipower is an integrated, electric utility company with businesses in powergeneration, transmission, distribution and services. As of 2018, the Taipowersystem had a total installed capacity of 44.51 GW. Its primary energy sourcesinclude thermal power, hydro power and other forms of renewable energy.
Throughout its history,Taipower has relied on its professional workforce to maintain a high-quality,reliable power supply. Internally, the Company is grappling with a retirementpeak, and the related challenge of transferring skills and knowledge from olderemployees to the next generation. These factors have necessitated thedevelopment of an innovative talent training program that fosters the safe andeffective development of new employees.
The program is designedaround the goals of active recruitment through multiple channels in order tostabilize the talent pool; the cultivation of core competencies and thedevelopment of lean power talents; the acceleration of cultivation andpromotion of outstanding employees, the construction of a platform tostrengthen the adaptability of employee; the introduction of learningtechnologies that improve the effectiveness of training; and the recognition ofcore human resources and the application of multiple training methods to meetlearning needs.
Frameworkand Strategy
Taipower's innovativetalent cultivation program has three core components, namely a comprehensivetraining system and policy, the integration of emerging technologies and thecultivation of a caring, employee-centered environment.
The Company strives touse emerging technologies and methodologies in all stages of its trainingsystem. The introduction of new technologies is to improve employeeeffectiveness and safety. Recent initiatives included the introduction ofe-books on i-Tunes U, a real-time response system, and a micro-learning videoplatform. Taipower is working to fully integrate Virtual Reality models toenhance training in unsafe environments.
To help employeesrelieve stress and to achieve a healthy work-life balance, Taipower initiatedits Heart-to-Heart program. For more than 30 years, the program has provided anemployee assistance system and worked to create a supportive environment thatcares for the mental health needs of employees.
Achievementand Impact
As a public utility,and a major employer, Taipower plays a significant role in establishingemployment standards and benchmarks in Taiwan. It has consistently sought tocultivate talent and create opportunities for young employees. The Company wasrecently honored to be ranked 13th on a list of employers preferredby those entering the workforce in the 2018 Cheers (magazine) annual survey.
The quality of theCompany's training centers was also acknowledged when their training systempassed the Talent Quality-Management System Assessment and acquired the"Excellent Enterprise Vocational Training Institute" designation from theMinistry of Labour. In confirmation of this recognition, Taipower hasconsistently encouraged its employees to pursue related licenses andcertificates. In 2018, the Company's training system facilitated the achievementof 4,252 certificates and obtained more than 70,000 certificates by itsemployees.
Strengthening humanresource management is an endless journey for every company that is seeking toachieve sustainable development. As a company in the midst of an energytransition, Taipower is particularly aware of the need to foster young talentsin renewable energies and their related systems. Hence, the Company has placeda particular focus on developing young professionals to meet its future humanresource demands.
In the coming years,Taipower will continue to introduce new technologies for training, and tointegrate data from its training courses to improve their effectiveness. TheCompany will also work towards the use of a big data system to createconnections between employees, company needs and training requirements.Moreover, in addition to cultivating the professional abilities of its staff,the Company will continue to use multiple channels to meet the needs of itsemployee and to construct a healthy, productive and sustainable workplace forall.
Enterprise Asia is anon-governmental organization in pursuit of creating an Asia that is rich inentrepreneurship as an engine towards sustainable and progressive economic andsocial development within a world of economic equality. Its two pillars ofexistence are investment in people and responsible entrepreneurship. EnterpriseAsia works with governments, NGOs and other organizations to promotecompetitiveness and entrepreneurial development, in uplifting the economicstatus of people across Asia and in ensuring a legacy of hope, innovation andcourage for the future generation. For more information, visit: https://www.enterpriseasia.org/.
The Asia ResponsibleEnterprise Awards recognizes and honors Asian businesses for championingsustainable and responsible entrepreneurship in the categories of GreenLeadership, Investment in People, Health Promotion, Social Empowerment,Corporate Governance and Responsible Business Leadership. For more information,visit: https://enterpriseasia.org/area/.