HONGKONG, CHINA - Media OutReach - 17January 2019 - Riding a wave of growth powered byrestrictive global financial reforms, specialist prime broker Invast Global willtoday announce a new Hong Kong office.
"Hong Kong is a hotbed of start-up andemerging hedge funds and brokerages," said Invast Global CEO Gavin White.
"We've built areputation for being at the forefront of new technology, winning awards forinnovation, whilst maintaining a human, flexible and client-centric approach.
"We believe this dynamic and excitingmarket strongly complements our trademark, responsive and high-tech approachand we look forward to giving Hong Kong's innovative businesses an alternativeto the traditional bank-based prime broker service offerings.
"Over the past six years, we've seen agrowing vacuum in the market as traditional investment banks curb theirbusiness lines in response to increasingly restrictive global regulatoryreforms -- and that suits us.
"We believe demand for alternatives totraditional global investment bank offerings will continue to accelerate overthe coming decades as scheduled regulatory reforms take effect and outdated,legacy technology systems continue to constrain the ability of the banks toevolve and compete."
Invast Global has forged an enviablereputation in the institutional brokerage industry since launching operationsfrom its Sydney headquarters in 2012.
The multi-asset prime broker, which servesinstitutional clients around the world, has been steadily gaining industryaccolades for an innovative, technology-focused approach to prime services.
Today, the firm's growth enters a new phasewith the launch of a subsidiary company based in the Chinese SpecialAdministrative Region of Hong Kong.
The new firm, Invast Global (Hong Kong) Ltd,will concentrate on Asia-focused institutional clients using a comprehensivearray of Securities and Futures Commission licence types to provide analternative to the traditional bank-based prime services offerings. InvastGlobal has deployed a core team of 6 people with a strong understanding of thelocal landscape. The expansion will also channel future strategic partnershipsin the region.
Marcus Fung, a senior executive with Invast since 2013, has beenappointed to lead the Hong Kong business.
Born in Guangzhou, but raised and educated in Hong Kong, Mr Fung isa multi-lingual technology specialist with a bachelor's degree in physics from Japan'shighly respected Tokyo Institute of Technology as well as a prestigiousJapanese Government scholarship to the Tokyo University of Foreign Studies.
He is a dynamic advocate for the use of cutting-edgetechnological innovations, demonstrated by his commitment to supporting his globalhedge fund and broker clients with unique analytical services and powerful datascience techniques.
"Our service is about providing efficient,cost-effective connectivity to liquidity and execution venues, combined withdata and analysis -- and communicating our findings to the client in thequickest, most concise, practical and least expensive way," said Invast Global (HongKong) CEO Marcus Fung.
"Finding the best and most appropriateliquidity, designing the best execution techniques, providing the mostefficient, most bespoke and responsive ancillary services -- without properanalysis and advice on these factors, our clients risk slipping behind. This isa real threat to small, medium and emerging firms, and it is one we are focusedon solving for our clients," said Mr Fung.
AboutInvast Global
Invast Global is a specialist multi-assetprime broker based in Sydney and Hong Kong. The company specialises inproviding prime services to small/mid-sized hedge funds, asset managers,proprietary trading firms, other brokerages and banks.
The milestones have been accumulating fastfor the entrepreneurial firm, with its institutional client base growingstrongly worldwide and a particularly strong penetration into the hedge fundspace. Multi-asset turnover for the firm now exceeds well over AU$100bnmonthly.
The company has received numeroushighly-respected industry awards, often beating larger, globally renownedinvestment banks.
The JASDAQ-listed Japanese parent company --Invast Securities Co. has a 60-year history as a Forex and Securities brokerageand enjoys stable, long-standing relationships with numerous tier-one bank primebrokers.
Website: www.invast.com.au