HONGKONG, CHINA - Media OutReach -7 November 2018 - PressLogic,a HK-based technology start-up, today announced it has raised Series A+ fundingof 10 million USD from Meitu, Inc. (SEHK.1357), China's leading imageprocessing and social sharing platform.
The funding will allow PressLogic tobuild the female lifestyle content and the UGC community in differentworld-class cities, accelerate the growth of its audiences and improve itsservices and self-developed data-driven analytics technology to resonate withits company's motto of "continually evolving". Itshall also expand into the e-commerce sector harnessing its own precise trafficand data.
The Background Story
None was willing to buy the uniquedata-driven analytic service invented by PressLogic for optimizing ROIperformances in various social media about two years ago. In order to show itspowers, two young founders of PressLogic then decided to step into the digitalmedia and content marketing businesses in Hong Kong with exceptional coveragein lifestyle contents, covering Female Beauty & Fashion, Traveling andLifestyle, Business & Finance, Men Lifestyle, Parenting, Cooking, Cats andKorean Star Interest. Its initial product was simple: PressLogic builds highlyeffective marketing networks and community in various audiences vertically to deliverclient's messages to their favourable audiences.
Use of Funding
"PressLogic that we see and experience today has onlyreflected part of our future businesses. We are very excited with the Series A+investment, as it allows us to expand massively globally and grow to become thelargest female lifestyle digital media & community player in Asia Pacific.
"In addition, with theraise in the capital from Meitu, we will launch our first UGC mobile app 'GirlStyle' and website under GirlStyle.com branding in Hong Kong plus 5other places in Taiwan, Singapore, India, Korea, and Malaysia by the end of2018. This user-generated content platform will enable users to post contentsand comments within the female community. It empowers female to record everyday of their life and everyone can share their feelings and comments in the samecommunity," said Ryan Cheung, PressLogic'sfounder and Chief Executive Officer.
According to Alexa, a member ofAmazon that measures website popularity, PressLogic.com was currently ranked 23 in Hong Kong.Approximately 75% of its visitors are 18-34 years old. PressLogic has risen tobecome the leading lifestyle digital media for Millennials in Hong Kong. (Source from Facebook & Google) Accumulatingalmost 8 million Facebook & Instagram fans and followers (with or withoutcarrying PressLogic and GirlStyle branding across regions) and over 700 millionmonthly content impressions on its social media presences & websites,PressLogic not only showed its capabilities and effectiveness, itsunprecedented fast-growing record also attracted the market's attention andcontent marketing opportunities.
PressLogic's proprietary methodologyof studying social media market and algorithms of predicting viral topics haveproven to be working very well. Not only has it reached a wide-ranging andloyal audience, but it has also built strong business fundamentals withsignificant growth in revenue and profit with strong partnerships with brands.PressLogic has been committed to delivering marketing value to its brandedcontent partner by its data-driven publishing and community management. Withthe fresh funding from Meitu, PressLogic will continue to evolve and producemore high quality original contents and create more impactful branded contentswith partners.
MediaLens -- Data-driven analytics software
About 80% traffic of PressLogic.com is from mobile, and thepercentage is still growing. Across its social media channels and website,PressLogic is generating over 700 million monthly content impressions.
MediaLens, the self-developeddata-driven analytics software combined with machine learning capabilities foroptimizing ROI performances in various social media. It sources popularfeeds, news, comments and hot topics from the internet 24/7. By analysingpopular topics in each interest community, the system has the ability tosuggest specific content that are likely to go viral for the specific interestcommunity. It reinforces itself recursively from the content published, as wellas facilitates the creative process to optimize results. Backed up by in-houseeditorial and creative experts, PressLogic keeps delivering high-qualitycontent.
PressLogic revealed that, in thefuture, its data-driven analytics system would be opened up to all other socialmedia operators including marketers and influencers to broaden the company'srevenue source, assisting them to harness the data insight for better contentanalysis so as to improve the overall ROI on contenting. Meanwhile, PressLogicwould like to enhance the data collections and foster the system learningpredictive power on content virality.
Next Stage
Moving forward, PressLogic willcontinue to upgrade its core technology -- MediaLens through data collectionsand content optimization. This will be the foundation to build the UGC platformand grow the effective female community in different places. By leveraging itsprecise traffic and data, PressLogic will extend its business into thee-commerce frontier, achieving its motto of "continually evolving".
With over 140 teammembers worldwide, PressLogic now operates MediaLens (analytics technology),GirlStyle (UGC community), and Digital Media & Content Marketing in severalmajor Asian places including Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, India, Korea andMalaysia.
Ryan Cheung as CEO and Edward Chowas CTO, founders of PressLogic, were born in 1988 in Hong Kong. Both of themwere graduated from the University of Hong Kong in different streams.
Ryan has graduated with a degree inBBA (Accounting and Finance), worked in various investment bank's EquityMarkets and Commodities Division while responsible for the sales andstructuring of derivatives and structured products. At the age of 26, he joinedLeonteq Securities AG (formerly EFG Bank Financial Products) as Director inAsia, responsible for structured solutions business and expanding its Asiafranchise. Leonteq is a leading and disruptive expert for structured investmentproducts supported by its market-leading technology platform, listed in SIXSwiss Exchange.
Edward has graduated with a degreein BBA (Information System), worked in Deloitte and various IT consultingfirms. He was responsible for large amount of system implementation andauditing tasks for clients including HK Government and traditional banks. He hasbeen a Certified Information Systems Auditor since 2013.
About PressLogic
PressLogic, a technology start-upcompany based in Hong Kong, was established in 2016 and started from MediaLens,its self-developed data-driven analytics system combined with machine learningcapabilities for optimising ROI performances in various social media, that usesdata to build highly effective media networks in the digital world. Itsunprecedented fast-growing record on social media publishing business,accumulating almost 8 million Facebook & Instagram fans and followers, aswell as over 700 million monthly content impressions on its social mediaaccounts & websites, attracted the market's attention. In 2018, PressLogichas successfully raised its Series A+ funding of USD 10 million from Meitu (SEHK:1357), China's leading image processing andsocial sharing platform.
Its core business areas includeMediaLens (technology & data), GirlStyle (user-generated content (UGC)female community), and Digital Media & Content Marketing, boastingoperations in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, India, Korea and Malaysia.
Official website: www.presslogic.com
About Meitu Inc.
Established in October 2008, Meitu,Inc. is China's leading AI-driven photo/video processing and sharing platform.With a mission "to inspire more people to express their beauty", thecompany has developed a rich portfolio of software and smart products based onthe concept of beauty, including but not limited to the Meitu app (socialnetwork), BeautyCam (photo editing & selfie camera app), Meipai(pan-knowledge short video platform), MeituBeauty (e-commerce platform) andMeitu Smartphones. On 15December 2016, Meitu, Inc. was listed on the Main Board of the Stock Exchangeof Hong Kong Limited (stock code: 1357).