HONG KONG, CHINA - Media OutReach - 5 NOV 2018 -Marketers who have struggled to capitalize on their Chinese social mediapresence can rest easy, with the launch of new book Digital China: Working with Bloggers, Influencers and KOLs. Inresponse to the growing power of influencer marketing in the world's biggeste-market, authors Ashley Galina Dudarenok and Lauren Hallanan have consolidatedtheir collective professional experience in digital marketing, and asinfluencers in their own right, into an easy-to-read book that delves into theworld of online influencers in China.
China has the world's largest and mostpowerful influencer community. It's influencer history also goes back to theearly days of the internet, internet forums and social networks. With a hugee-commerce economy that saw revenues of 7.57 trillion yuan (US$1.17 trillion)in 2017, China's KOLs - key opinion leaders - are well placed to helpbusinesses looking for a foot in the door and more.
Opportunities in China are immense, yet manybrands and small business owners in the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand andEurope don't understand China's online influencer ecosystem or how they canjoin the conversation. Seeing a gap in the market, Dudarenok, herself a socialmedia marketing expert, public speaker and influencer decided to work withwriter, entrepreneur and social media marketing expert Lauren Hallanan topublish a book for brands seeking to enter China, expand their presence thereand brands catering to Chinese tourists abroad. The book offers a map to theworld of online influencers in China and give practical advice to Hong Kongmarketers about cooperating with KOLs on Chinese social media.
DigitalChina: Working with Bloggers, Influencers and KOLsoffers practical advice to North American, Eurasian and European marketers aboutselling on Chinese social media. Dudarenok has seen the transformation inChina's online world firsthand. "China is the future," says Dudarenok, "Andmarketers and business owners need to understand it if they want to stayrelevant."
The demand for this knowledge has also beenrecognized by well-known names in the world of online influence like DorieClark, Andy Crestodina and Shaun Rein. "China has taken the message of personalbranding to heart, and has developed a powerful influencer market that's wellworth understanding," says Clark, adjunct professor at Duke University's FuquaSchool of Business. Andy Crestodina, author of Content Chemistry, concurs."Nowhere more than China, no time more than now, working with influencers isn'tjust important, it's critical. It sits at the convergence of the biggest trendsof our times: commerce, technology, social media and trust.."
"For any business executive looking to sell toChinese consumers, this book is perhaps the best guide that provides keyinsights on how companies can utilize China's army of KOLs to build brandawareness and generate sales," says Shaun Rein, author of The War for China'sWallet: Profiting from the New World Order.
Says Dudarenok, "Marketers and business ownersneed to understand KOLs if they want to stay relevant in China."
DigitalChina: Working with Bloggers, Influencers and KOLs isnow available on Amazon.com and Kindle (viewbook.at/ChineseBloggers). From Nov.5th to 11th, you can purchase the ebook for $0.99 and the paperback for $5.99.
If you're looking for more details about thebook or interview opportunities, please contact Mason Ku at (+852) 37092258 orinfo@chozan.co.
Link to visuals:https://www.dropbox.com/s/ue8v2z7rudn4fau/IMG_0592.jpg?dl=0
Notesto Editor
AboutAshley Galina Dudarenok
Ashley is the founder of Alarice and ChoZan,marketing and training agencies respectively with expertise in KOL marketing inChina. She runs AshleyTalks, the biggest vlog and youtube channel about Chinamarketing and has appeared in Forbes, CNBC, the Huffington Post, the SCMP, andspeaks at the China Marketing Summit, WeChat Conference, InvestHK, The Women'sFoundation and TEDx.
AboutLauren Hallanan
Lauren Hallanan is the VP of Live Streaming atThe Meet Group and a Chinese social media marketing expert focusing oninfluencer marketing, live streaming, and social commerce. She's a contributingwriter at Forbes, Jing Daily, and PARKLU and host of the China InfluencerMarketing and Stream Wars podcasts.
For more information, visit https://www.ashleytalks.com orfollow her on Instagram(@ashley.lina), Linkedin (Ashley Galina Dudarenok), YouTube (AshleyTalksChina),Facebook (AshleyTalksChina) and Twitter (@AshleyDudarenok)
AboutAlarice International
Alarice International is a Hong Kong basedmarketing agency offering creative marketing solutions for the China market. Ineight successful years, it has achieved results for multinational corporations,startups, renowned brands, family-run businesses and even governmentdepartments.
For more information, visit https://alarice.com.hk/
ChoZan is a marketing training and resourceplatform specializing in Chinese social media. ChoZan works with clients toimprove their understanding of Chinese consumers, by providing information,updates and advice regarding Chinese social media channels, tools, andmarketing best practices.
For more information, visit https://chozan.co
AshleyTalks is a free video resource on Chinadigital marketing and entrepreneurship. Ashley covers different topics everyweek, including WeChat, Weibo, cross-border e-commerce, business advice forentrepreneurs and more.
For more information, visit www.ashleytalks.com