TAIPEI, TAIWAN - Media OutReach - November 7, 2018 -Insilico Medicine, a Rockville-based company specializing in the application ofnext-generation artificial intelligence for drug discovery, biomarkerdevelopment, and aging research, was invited to speak at the first PDA(Parenteral Drug Association) conference to be held in Taiwan, the 2018 PDADrug Delivery of Injectables Conference.
The conference, a four-dayevent featuring both exhibitions and in-depth courses, is being held at Taipei's Regent Hotel, fromNovember 6-9, 2018. ArturKadurin, InSilico Medicine's Chief AI Officer and CEO of Insilico Taiwan,has been invited to present a course focusing on the application of artificial intelligence (AI) fordrug discovery and other solutions. He will also participate in a paneldiscussion to discuss the opportunities and challenges presented by AI.
The 2018 PDA Drug Deliveryof Injectables Conference is jointly organized by PDA, the Ministry of EconomicAffairs (MOEA), the Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Industry Promotion Office(BPIPO) and SHL Group (Scandinavian Health Limited).
Experts from around theworld will be attending the conference to share key information and insights onthe latest drug delivery devices, smart manufacturing, international qualitysystems regulations, market trends, niche products and the application ofconnected medical devices in the pharmaceutical industry. The conference is akey component in promoting Taiwan's pharmaceutical industry to the world while enhancing and acceleratinginternational cooperation between local manufacturers and the globalpharmaceutical industry.
Mr. Kadurin will participate in the afternoonpanel session on November 7th to discuss AI in the context of advantages forpatients, doctors, the pharmaceutical industry and insurance companies;drivers, challenges and hurdles; business opportunities for pharma, electronics,and the IT industry, as well as opportunities for Taiwan.
The panel will be jointly hosted by Dr. HerbertWu, President of Development Center for Biotechnology (DCB) and Markus Bauss, Managing Director of SHL Connect. In additionto Mr. Kadurin, other panelists will include: Dr. Jai-Yen Chen, Senior Reviewerin Division of Medical Devices, Center for Drug Evaluation; Alex Dee, VicePresident, Product Marketing, FIC; Mathias Romacker, Senior Director, DeviceStrategy/Marketing, Pfizer, Inc; Kimmy Chang Chien, Sanofi Taiwan; and ThomasSchoenknecht, PhD, Executive Director, Business Development, SHL Group.
With the global population and life expectancyever increasing, the global pharmaceutical industry continues to experiencerapid growth. Each year, total revenue reaches new highs. Likewise, researchand development into innovative new drugs and methods to treat diseases, bothold and new, continues to expand. New techniques such as AI that utilize innovative, previously impossible methods, arereceiving increasing attention.
With the recent development of deep learningtechnology, AI has shown amazing results in a variety of fields. On November8th, Mr. Kadurin will offer an in-depth course titled: "Use of ArtificialIntelligence for Drug Discovery." The course will explore AI's role in theemerging future of interdisciplinary collaboration between medical devices andpharmaceuticals, and illustrate the great success of AI's applications inbiomedicine after the rise of deep learning.
The Parenteral Drug Association (PDA) is theleading global facilitator of science, technology, and regulatory information.In cooperation with the US FDA, PDA creates awareness and understanding ofimportant issues facing the pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical community anddelivers education for the community, including international conferences andrelated training to assist governments and pharmaceutical firms around theworld. PDA trains members in production, quality control, and quality assuranceand other related operations and management personnel, thereby helping toenhance the relevant expertise and knowledge in the production of sterilepreparations and biological preparations.
This year's PDA conference is being held inTaiwan for the first time, with an aim towards helping upgrade Taiwan'spharmaceutical industry through the application of emerging technologies. Thefocus of this year's conference was on collaborative business challenges in thesuccessful development of pharmaceuticals, medical materials, and devices, witha special focus on the future applications of AI in drug discovery anddevelopment.
About InsilicoMedicine, Inc. / Insilico Taiwan Ltd.
Insilico Medicine is anartificial intelligence company with R&D offices and resources in the US,Belgium, Russia, the UK, Taiwan, and Korea, sourced through hackathons andcompetitions. The company and its scientists are dedicated to extending humanproductive longevity and transforming every step of the drug discovery and drugdevelopment process through excellence in biomarker discovery, drugdevelopment, digital medicine, and aging research.
Insilico pioneered theapplications of the generative adversarial networks (GANs) and reinforcementlearning for generation of novel molecular structures for diseases with a knownligand and with no known targets. In addition to working collaborations withlarge pharmaceutical companies, the company is pursuing internal drug discoveryprograms in cancer, dermatological diseases, fibrosis, Parkinson's Disease,Alzheimer's Disease, ALS, diabetes, sarcopenia, and aging. Through apartnership with LifeExtension.com the company launched a range ofnutraceutical products, compounded using advanced bioinformatics and deeplearning techniques. It also provides a range of consumer-facing applications,including Young.AI.
In 2017, NVIDIA selectedInsilico Medicine as one of the Top 5 AI companies for potential in socialimpact. In 2018, the company was named one of the global top 100 AI companiesby CB Insights. In 2018 it received the Frost & Sullivan 2018 NorthAmerican Artificial Intelligence for Aging Research and Drug Development Awardaccompanied by industry brief.
Brief company video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l62jlwgL3v8
Contact Information
Artur Kadurin, CEO ofInsilico Taiwan Ltd.
Roger Lai, Consultant