SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA - Media OutReach - 6 November - CPAAustralia has today signed a Memorandum of Cooperation (MoC) with the ChineseInstitute of Certified Public Accountants (CICPA) at the 20th World Congress ofAccountants (WCOA) in Sydney.
The MoC is designed to facilitate closer collaboration between the twobodies, enhance the international standard of accounting professionals andbroaden the opportunities for members from both bodies.
The MoC was signed by Mr. Zhao Mingji, President of CICPA, Mr. ChenYugui, Executive Vice President and Secretary General of CICPA, Mr. PeterWilson, President and Chairman of the Board of CPA Australia, and Mr. AndrewHunter, CEO of CPA Australia. The MoC signing ceremony took place at theInternational Convention Centre in Sydney and was witnessed by more than 50representatives from both bodies.
CPA Australia President and Chairman Peter Wilson said the signing ofthe MoC with CICPA was a significant milestone in the relationship that the twoprofessional accounting bodies have enjoyed since the early 1990s.
"CPA Australia is very proud of our history of collaboration with CICPA,particularly our International Partnership Program, which offered 50 membersfrom CICPA the opportunity to study the CPA Program and obtain the CPAAustralia designation between 2007 to 2010.
"The MoC signed today will further strengthen our relationship byfacilitating more opportunities for collaboration on projects that willdirectly benefit our members, including carrying out research that will provideinsight into some of the changes occurring in the accounting profession.
"We will also have the opportunity to create more continued professionaldevelopment resources for our members, while elevating standards and maintainingthe sustainability of the accounting profession", Mr Wilson said.
About CPA Australia
CPA Australia is one of theworld's largest accounting bodies, with more than 163,000 members working in125 countries and regions, including more than 18,000 members in the Greater Chinaregion. Our core services to members includes education, training, technicalsupport and advocacy. Employees and members work together with local andinternational bodies to represent the views and concerns of the profession togovernments, regulators, industries, academia and the community.
About the Chinese Institute ofCertified Public Accountants
The Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants (CICPA), foundedin 1988, is a statutory organisation under the guidance of the Ministry ofFinance and the Council PRC, undertaking the functions stipulated in the "CPALaw" and the institute's constitution. CICPA now has over 106,020 practicingmembers (Certified Public Accountant), 141,548 non-practicing members(including 601 non-practicing members in foreign countries, Hong Kong, Macaoand Taiwan), with a total number of individual members reaching 247,568.
About WCOA
Held every fouryears, the World Congress of Accountants (WCOA) is the premier event foraccounting and finance professionals and is known as the "Olympics ofaccounting". This year, more than 6,000 professionals from 130 countries have attendedWCOA in Sydney and heard from world-classleaders and visionaries and engaged with the important issues facing the accountingprofession.