SINGAPORE - MediaOutReach - 23 October 2018 - Dimension Data,a USD8 billion global technology integrator and managed services provider, has received the top honours from Singapore'sinfluential CXO community in the DataCentre Outsourcing Services Provider category at a glittering RED CARPET HONOUR®event held to celebrate the CXOHONOUR® AWARDS 2018 edition.
The CXOHONOUR® AWARDS is apowerful endorsement promoted by CXOHONOUR® , arecognised enterprise tech industry platform amongst the CXO community inSingapore. The Top Honours were endorsed by an independent advisory council ofeminent CXOs comprising of CIOs, CFOs and CISOs based on the results from anindustry wide CXOHONOUR® PULSE Poll that was made available to over500+ CXOs in Singapore.
On winning the award, Kent Lee, ChiefExecutive Officer at Dimension Data Singapore said, "We are extremely honoured and delighted that the SingaporeCXO community recognizesus a Top Leader in Data CentreOutsourcing Services Provider. We have recentlycompleted our OutsourcedService Provider Audit Report (OSPAR) attestation for cloud and managed services, and will continue todeliver on our promise as a trusted and reliable technology integrator to ourclients and partners."
The CXOHONOUR® (www.cxohonour.com is an innovative platform that promotes Recognitionfor Excellence in the enterprise tech industry and enables greater engagementbetween new and emerging tech solution providers and the enterprise C-leveldecision makers to help drive innovation and transformation within theenterprises in Singapore and beyond. The CXOHONOUR® AWARDS programis uniquely positioned to capture the preferences and the opinions of therelevant C-level suite about their enterprise tech vendors. Because theendorsements are viewed as peer recommendations, the community considers it asa very valuable and trusted local source for the future buying needs.
AboutDimension Data
Founded in 1983,Dimension Data is a USD 8 billion global leader in designing, optimising, andmanaging today's evolving technology environments. This enables its clients toleverage data in a digital age, turn it into information, and extract insights.
Headquarteredin Johannesburg, Dimension Data employs 28,000 people across 47 countries. Thecompany brings together the world's best technology provided by market leadersand niche innovators with the service support that clients need for theirbusinesses -- from consulting, technical, and support services to afully-managed service.
InAsia Pacific, we operate in 35 offices across 13 countries. We help clientsenable technology, operate their IT infrastructures and transform technologysolutions that deliver value. It combines an expertise in digitalinfrastructure, cybersecurity, customer experience (CX), and digital workplace,with advanced skills in IT outsourcing, IT-as-a-Service, Systems integrationservices and training.
DimensionData is a proud member of the NTT Group. Visit us at https://www.dimensiondata.com/