Early bird tickets on sale now for theDecember launch of this action-packed spectacular
MACAU, CHINA - MediaOutReach - October 18, 2018 - Following thephenomenal success of City of Dreams' The House of Dancing Water, Studio City --another flagship resort owned and operated by Melco Resorts & Entertainment-- is raising the bar in live entertainment with the world's firstaction-packed, all-electric, indoor theatrical stunt show, Elēkron. Produced incollaboration with globally renowned entertainment architects Stufish -- whoseaward-winning international portfolio includes concert designs for Elton John,Madonna, Jay-Z, Beyoncé and Lady Gaga to name a few, as well as the 2008 Beijing Olympicsopening and closing ceremonies, and the spectacular 'Spirit of the Union' UAENational Day 40th Anniversary celebrations -- Elēkron is set to 'rock andelectric-shock' Macau this December with its world-class production andperformers.
Bold, jaw-dropping, heart-stopping stuntswill light up the arena in a 75-minute show of non-stop, death-defying actionthat will keep spectators on the edge of their seats. Elēkron features morethan 70 powerful electric vehicles -- including sports cars, customized buggies,quads, trials bikes, FMX bikes and even a biplane -- all engaged in a successionof daredevil feats that take place at super close range to the audience.
Powered by the latest electric technology,all the vehicles are bespoke and designed from scratch, and are powered byTesla motors with a custom-designed control system. More than 150cast, crew, creative specialists, designers and technicians -- includingGuinness World Records holders -- have been handpicked for the show from ninecountries around the globe.
"Powered entirely by electricity, Elēkronis a crazy, death-defying stunt show is nothing like you have ever seenbefore. The arena is filled withfireworks and pyrotechnics. Seventy wildpost-apocalyptic cars, bikes and buggies are leaping over each other, as theirdrivers fight over the abandoned power station where the story's set.' said Mr. Frederic Winckler, Executive VicePresident, Chief Marketing and Brand Officer of Melco Resorts and Entertainment."With the launch of Elēkron, we are going to bring a whole new audience, notjust to Studio City, but to Macau. We will further enhance our already-richportfolio of unique attractions following the tremendous success of The Houseof Dancing Water."
Mr.Ray Winkler, CEO and Design Director of Stufish Entertainment Architects said, "We are thrilled to combineStufish's powerful entertainment background with Melco's impressive trackrecord of delivering world class shows to create the perfect storm that willelectrify the audience with our exhilarating new show Elekron."
Action-packed and brimming with electricalenergy, Elēkron had audiences spellbound at an exclusive training session forinvited guests, including Hong Kong celebrity Shawn Yue.
"I have the utmost respect for the castand crew, especially after my backstage visit to the training session. For alive show like Elēkron, every death-defying stunt has to be perfectly timed.The cast needs to hit the right spot at the right time, with no mistakes," saidYue. "Just watching the action unfold during their training is enough to getthe adrenaline pumping! I really can't wait to see the full show thisDecember!"
MariaHelena de Senna Fernandes, Director of the Macao Government TourismOffice (MGTO) said: "Melco hasbrought a succession of 'World's First' entertainment offerings to Macau inrecent years, such as The House of Dancing Water at City of Dreams and GoldenReel at Studio City. We are pleased to see the launch of Elēkron, another newand unique attraction that once again puts Macau at the forefront of the globalentertainment industry. Through the Macau SAR Government's close collaborationwith leading resorts such as Studio City, we believe we can further reinforceMacau's reputation as the World Center of Tourism and Leisure."
World's most electrifying stunt showElēkron will heat up Studio City from December. Early Bird tickets startingfrom HKD280 are on sale until November 30 for Elēkron shows from December 14,2018 to March 31, 2019.
Fordetails, please visit https://www.studiocity-macau.com/
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About Studio City
Studio City is set to take Macau'sentertainment destination proposition to unprecedented new levels, by providinga 'next generation' of outstanding entertainment-driven leisure destination experiencesthat will help the territory's evolution into a truly international tourismcenter.
The Hollywood-themed studio-conceptresort is a thrilling new cinematic inspired entertainment and leisuredestination and is designed to be the most diversified entertainment offeringin Macau. Ideally located on Cotai, close to the Lotus Bridge immigration pointconnecting Hengqin Island and a future station-point for the Macau Light RapidTransit, Studio City will deliver more world-class entertainment amenities thanany integrated resort in the market.
Studio City's stunning Art Deco facadeincludes the "Golden Reel", the world's highest figure-8 Ferris wheel whichstraddles the resort's two-tower hotel at a height of some 130 meters. Theintegrated resort will provide the ultimate in sophisticated leisureentertainment, hotel, retail, dining and lifestyle experiences.
The resort's innovative entertainmentofferings include "Studio City Event Center", a 5,000-seat multi-purposeentertainment center designed to host live concerts, theatrical and sportingevents; and "Studio 8", a 300-seat live-audience TV broadcast studio forreality and game-show productions distributed in the Asia region. Theentertainment experiences also include a Warner Bros. Batman-themed 4D flightsimulation "Batman Dark Flight", a 40,000-square-foot family entertainmentcenter "Warner Bros. Fun Zone" for kids filled with Warner Bros.' and DCComics' franchise characters and play-rides.
Studio City is destined to deliver anunparalleled leisure entertainment and hospitality experience, strengtheningthe depth and diversity of Macau's leisure, business and tourism proposition asa leading visitor destination in Asia.
About Stufish
Stufish, founded by the late andlegendary Mark Fisher, has an international award-winning portfolio includingtheatrical and musical productions, touring shows, concerts,permanent/temporary entertainment architecture. Some examples of Stufish's highprofile tours include Elton John's Farewell Yellow Brick Road tour, the RollingStones No Filter tour, Beyoncé and Jay Z, On The RunII tour and U2 Experience + Innocence 2018, as well as tours forMadonna, Lady Gaga, Robbie Williams and more. Exhibition design includesthe acclaimed and biggest selling music exhibition of all time at London'sVictoria and Albert Museum Pink Floyd: Their Mortal Remains. Award winningexamples of their bespoke permanent building designs are Han Show Theatre andDai Show Theatre in China. UAE projects include FIFA World Cup Opening &Closing ceremony Abu Dhabi 2009, UAE 4th Anniversary Show Abu Dhabi 2012, Qasral Hosn-Story of a Fort Abu Dhabi 2013 and Qasr al Hosn master planningcompetition 2015. Stufish also designed the opening and closing ceremonies ofthe Beijing Olympics 2008, the Asian Games 2010 and the 5th AIMAG OpeningCeremony in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan 2017 and many sets for TV shows of which theMTV Video Music Awards (2017) and the National Television Awards (2018) in the UKare recent examples.