SINGAPORE- MediaOutReach - 18 October, 2018 - Emerio, a globalleader in IT services and solutions, received the top honours from Singapore'sinfluential CXO community in the ApplicationMaintenance Services Provider and Managed Infrastructure Services Provider categoriesat a glittering RED CARPET HONOUR® event held to celebrate theCXOHONOUR® AWARDS 2018 edition. The CXOHONOUR® AWARDSis a powerful endorsement promoted by CXOHONOUR®, a recognisedenterprise tech industry platform amongst the CXO community in Singapore. TheTop Honours were endorsed by an independent advisory council of eminent CXOscomprising of CIOs, CFOs and CISOs based on the results from an industry wideCXOHONOUR® PULSE Poll that was made available to over 500+ CXOs inSingapore.
On winning these awards, Harish Nim, Emerio's CEO,said, "The CXOHONOUR Awards area recognition of the commitment to excellence that has been engrained into ourEmerio culture. To our clients and partners, we express sincerest gratitude fortheir continued support. We are inspired to remain focussed on providing worldclass Enterprise IT services and solutions across Southeast Asia."
Emerio offerscomprehensive, customised Application Maintenance and Managed Infrastructureservices for a wide range of businesses and organisations. These services allowclients to focus on their core business while entrusting the essentials ofmanaging their applications and IT infrastructure to an expert partner.
The CXOHONOUR® (www.cxohonour.com) is an innovative platform that promotes Recognition for Excellencein the enterprise tech industry and enables greater engagement between new andemerging tech solution providers and the enterprise C-level decision makers tohelp drive innovation and transformation within the enterprises in Singaporeand beyond. The CXOHONOUR® AWARDS program is uniquely positioned tocapture the preferences and the opinions of the relevant C-level suite abouttheir enterprise tech vendors. Since the endorsements are viewed as peerrecommendations, the community considers it as a very valuable and trustedlocal source for the future buying needs.
CXOHONOUR®Supporting Partners:
Ideation Edge Asia (www.ideationedgeasia.org), or IDEA for short, an Industry Association of C-level seniorbusiness leaders interested in fostering a business community to further theirunderstanding of technology trends that shapes business, societal,environmental & economical changes in Asia.
The Singapore Chapter of ISACA (www.isaca.org), an independent, nonprofit, global association that engages in thedevelopment, adoption and use of globally accepted, industry-leading knowledgeand practices for information systems.
About Emerio
Emerio, an NTT Communications company, is aleading IT solutions and services organisation with deep roots in SoutheastAsia. Through our state-of-the-artdelivery centres in Singapore (HQ), Malaysia, India, Indonesia, Philippines,Thailand, and Australia, we partner with our clients in their digitaltransformation journey. Our client base has continued to grow in the past 20years and now includes small, medium, and large enterprises in the public andprivate sectors and within a wide range of industries. Our 1,990+professionals, broad industry knowledge, extensive technology partnerships, andproven methodologies have earned us a successful track record. Our brand valuesare REAL. Reliability, Efficiency and Adaptability are the basis of Long-termrelationships with our clients.