Honouring credible young and emerging tech innovatorsand solution providers
SINGAPORE - MediaOutReach - 17 October, 2018 - 500 CXOs and ITleaders from end-user enterprises around the region voted for winners inInformation Management, IT infrastructure Management & Cyber Security areas for the CXOHONOUR® AWARDS2018 at the glittering Red Carpet HONOUR event held at The St Regis Singaporeon Oct 10, 2018.
The selection processinvolved nominations for Finalists by the CXOHONOUR® AdvisoryCouncil (www.cxohonour.com/advisory-council)consisting of influential CIOs, CFOs and CISOs representing leading local andregional organisations in Singapore. Over 500 CXOs comprising of IT Directors,Business & Finance Directors, Heads of data centers and Cyber Security fromorganisations in the Asia-Pacific region were subsequently invited to vote fora winner from among the finalists shortlisted by the Advisory Council in eachcategory.
The following innovativevendors garnered the most endorsements by the CXO community in variouscategories:
* Anaplan (www.anaplan.com) for CorporatePerformance Management & Financial Planning and Analysis categories
* Azendian (www.azendian.com) for Big DataSolutions Provider category
* Back Office Associates (www.boaweb.com) for Data Transformation& Quality Management category
* Carbon Black (www.carbonblack.com) for IntelligentEnd Point Protection category
* Cloud4c (www.cloud4c.com) for Managed CloudServices Provider category
* Cloudera (www.cloudera.com) for Open SourceOperational Database Technology category
* Dimension Data (www.dimensiondata.com) for DataCenter Outsourcing Services Provider category
* DLT Ledgers (www.dlt.sg) for Enterprise Information Managementusing Blockchain technologies category
* Emerio Globesloft (www.emeriocorp.com) for ManagedInfrastructure Services Provider and Application Maintenance Services Providercategories
* i-Sprint Innovations (www.isprint.com) for Single Sign-Onand Multi-Factor Authentication categories
* Menlo Security (www.menlosecurity.com) forRemote Browser Isolation System category
* Netrust (www.netrust.net) for Enterprise PKIManagement and Security Solutions Provider categories
* OutSystems (www.outsystems.com) for HighProductive Application Platform As A Service category
* Parasoft (www.parasoft.com) for ApplicationSecurity Testing category
* QAssure Technologies (www.qassure.com) for ApplicationTesting Services Provider category
* Radware (www.radware.com) for DistributedDenial-Of-Service (DDoS) Protection category
"Our CXOHONOUR AWARDSinitiative in its 3rd edition continues to bridge the gap that exists in theenterprise tech industry for the C-Suite decision makers to keep up with thedynamic pace of technology disruption and help them identify and engage withcredible young and emerging tech innovators and solution providers who operatein their backyard but are relatively lesser known in the mainstream enterpriseIT market", said Deepak Sharma, Founder of CXOHONOUR.
"This Award recognises thehuge potential that Back Office Associates has to offer to organisations inAsia Pacific, especially in the area of data transformation and quality management,to unlock the power of real time decision making in the enterprises," saidKrish Datta, Asia Pacific CEO of Back Office Associates.
"We are delighted to winthis award at this critical juncture in the enterprise tech industry, whereenterprises are struggling to secure the explosion of internet-bound traffic,"said Stephanie Boo, Managing Director Asia Pacific at Menlo Security. "OurIsolation Platform can be deployed stand-alone or in conjunction with existingsecurity solutions, to bring 100% safe Internet and email usage to enterprises.We look forward to working with organisations across the Asia-Pacific region tohelp accelerate their secure IT cloud transformation."
Chanakya Levaka, VP of Asiaat Managed Cloud Services Provider winner Cloud4C said, "As businessesgradually move workloads onto a combination of cloud platforms as part of theirshift towards adopting multi-cloud strategies, it is highly advantageous toengage a managed cloud service provider to help align IT priorities. With Cloud4Cexperts certified in all the leading cloud technologies, we are in the idealposition to help navigate and operate within these complex environments."
DLT Ledgers was awarded"Enterprise Information Management Solution Provider using Block Chain technologies"for its innovative blockchain apps for Supply Chain that facilitate and powerglobal trade and the movement of goods across continents. "We believe that thisaward recognises our humble efforts and the value of our open technologyplatform to our customers as they attempt to disrupt the global trade industry"said Samir Neji, Resident Director and Founder at DLT Ledgers, a Singaporebased Blockchain startup.
The CXOHONOUR® (www.cxohonour.com) is an innovative platform that promotesRecognition for Excellence in the enterprise tech industry and enables greaterengagement between new and emerging tech solution providers and the enterpriseC-level decision makers to help drive innovation and transformation within theenterprises in Singapore and beyond. The CXOHONOUR® AWARDS programis uniquely positioned to capture the preferences and the opinions of therelevant C-level suite about their enterprise tech vendors. Because theendorsements are viewed as peer recommendations, the community considers it asa very valuable and trusted local sourcefor the future buying needs.