DBS Bank Joins Retail Centre of Excellence (RCoE) as its Latest Member
SINGAPORE- Media OutReach - 18 October, 2018 - TheAsia Retail Leaders Conference (ARLC) 2018 will be held from 18 to 19 Octoberat Conrad Centennial Singapore. Organised by Singapore Management University(SMU) Retail Centre of Excellence (RCoE), the Conference serves as a platformthat engages retail leaders, industry experts, knowledge partners and seniormanagers from around the region. Themed 'Leadership in Retail: NavigatingTurbulent Waters', the Conference will be graced by Guest-of-Honour Mr CheeHong Tat, Senior Minister of State, Minister of Trade and Industry, andMinistry of Education.
RCoE is also pleased to announce theinclusion of DBS Bank as the Centre's newest member. Going forward, DBS Bank and SMU RCoE will address challenges, unlockopportunities for growth and identify key value drivers for retailers to remaincompetitive in the face of disruption. Together with all its Founding Members --comprising DFS, Decathlon, Harvey Norman, IKEA, Microsoft, Popular, Tiffany& Co, and Visa -- RCoE looks towards supporting and grooming retail leaders,students and entrepreneurs to shape the retail industry and engage withconsumers in more meaningful ways.
In recognition of their strong support to RCoE sinceits establishment in October 2017 as a joint initiative between SMU, theEconomic Development Board and Enterprise Singapore, Mr Chee Hong Tat will be presentingthe Founding Members withacknowledgement awards.
SMU Professor of Marketing, Kapil R. Tuli, who alsoheads RCoE as its Director, said, "In a fast-changing retail environment,companies and retailers face a confluence of rapidly evolving technologies,changing consumer preferences and economic uncertainty. In celebration of ourCentre's one year anniversary, we are pleased to organise this inauguralleadership conference to share ideas and strategies which will not only helpretailers to ride on the digital wave, but also encourage them to explore newand innovative practises in the industry."
Inconvening this Conference, RCoE aims to encourage and facilitate open dialogueby inspiring retailers to rethink their portfolios and to explore newomni-channel retail concepts that connect front-end brick-and-mortar withback-end distribution, while embracing technology. The seminar hopes to future-proofretailers and equip them with the knowledge they require in order to stay competitivein an ever-evolving landscape that is characterised by the rise of a digitaleconomy.
The digital economy has transformed the retail landscapeand pushed retailers to rethink the fundamentals of how a business can create, captureand deliver value for the modern day consumer. The discussions and workshops atARLC will allow participants to gain deeper insights into retail-centricresearch; and enable retailers to pioneer more innovative concepts, and capturenew opportunities to drive transformation. ARLC will cover various sub-themes relevantto the retail sector and will feature renowned experts from across the globe,thus providing retailers with an exceptional opportunity to network and shareexperiences.
For more information on the Event and Programme,please refer to the official conference website www.arlc2018.sg.