SINGAPORE- MediaOutReach - 18 October, 2018 - BackOffice Associates, a leaderin Software& Services industry/ Data Management, has received the top honours fromSingapore's influential CXO community in the DataTransformation & Quality Management category at a glittering REDCARPET HONOUR® event held to celebrate the CXOHONOUR®AWARDS 2018 edition.
The CXOHONOUR®AWARDS is a powerful endorsement promoted by CXOHONOUR®,a recognised enterprise tech industry platform amongst the CXO community inSingapore. The Top Honours were endorsed by an independent advisory council ofeminent CXOs comprising of CIOs, CFOs and CISOs based on the results from anindustry wide CXOHONOUR® PULSE Poll that was made available to over500+ CXOs in Singapore.
On winning thisaward, Krish Datta, CEO -- Asia Pacific, Japan and Middle East at BackOfficeAssociates, said: "We feel honoured and delighted to be considered as a TopLeader in Data Transformation & Quality Management by Singapore's CXOcommunity. We wish to thank all participating CXOs and key decision makers forendorsing us, as well as the distinguished CXO Advisory Council -- plus, ofcourse, our customers and partners for their continued support and trust. Thisplatform has not only helped us to connect with the CXO community at large, buthas also given us an edge in the market, widely recognised as one of the mostleading brands. We are happy to see that the importance of data, one of the keyassets of modern business, is being given due recognition, and that its qualityand impact is now widely acknowledged. BackOffice Associates, with its 21 yearsof success and key focus in the field of data governance, leads this race."
The CXOHONOUR® (www.cxohonour.com)is an innovative platform that promotes Recognition for Excellence in theenterprise tech industry and enables greater engagement between new andemerging tech solution providers and the enterprise C-level decision makers tohelp drive innovation and transformation within the enterprises in Singaporeand beyond. The CXOHONOUR® AWARDS program is uniquely positioned tocapture the preferences and the opinions of the relevant C-level suite abouttheir enterprise tech vendors. Because the endorsements are viewed as peerrecommendations, the community considers it as a very valuable and trusted localsource for the future buying needs.
CXOHONOUR® SupportingPartners:
IdeationEdge Asia (www.ideationedgeasia.org),or IDEA for short, an Industry Association of C-level senior business leadersinterested in fostering a business community to further their understanding oftechnology trends that shapes business, societal, environmental &economical changes in Asia.
TheSingapore Chapter of ISACA (www.isaca.org), anindependent, nonprofit, global association that engages in the development,adoption and use of globally accepted, industry-leading knowledge and practicesfor information systems.
About BackOffice Associates
BackOffice Associates is a worldwide leader insolutions that solve enterprises' most complex data transformation challenges.Our range of award-winning products, built on a revolutionary platform, addressthe needs of business users seeking to unlock the value of their data assets.Our products and services enable organisations to accelerate growth, gainactionable visibility and reduce risks. Founded in 1996, we have anunparalleled record of success in the most complex data environments across avariety of industries with Fortune 1000 organisations. BackOffice Associates isa global corporation headquartered in Massachusetts with additional offices inthe U.S., Australia, Canada, Dubai, India, Singapore, Switzerland, Germany andthe U.K. To learn more, please visit www.boaweb.com.