The Expo Will SpurTrade Development Between Hong Kong and ASEAN Countries.
HONG KONG, CHINA - Media OutReach - 20 October 2018 - In recentyears, ASEAN has become one of the fastest-growing regions in the world. Overthe past decade, its GDP has increased on average 5% per year, coming behindonly China and India. It has enormous growth potential, and has become a new targetmarket that product manufacturers and suppliers in the region simply cannot ignore.Comasia Limited, a Hong Kong-basedprofessional trade exhibition organiser and event management company, announced today (20 October) the launch of thefirst ever Asia Lifestyle Expo, in collaboration with its partner N.C.C.Exhibition Organizer Co., Ltd. (NEO), a leading exhibition organiser. The expowill provide Hong Kong companies, as well as manufacturers and suppliers from Asia,with an exceptional large-scale investment platform, enabling them to tap into theregion's market, which has tremendous growth potential. Mr. Asi Mamanee, the Consul-Genearlof the Royal Thai Consulate-General in Hong Kong, is the Guest of Honor, forthe expo's press conference.
The first Asia Lifestyle Expo will take place on 21-23August 2019 at the Bangkok International Trade Exhibition Centre (BITEC) inThailand and will comprise 500 booths. The expo will provide manufacturers andbuyers based in Southeast Asia and the ASEAN region with a platform for discoveringbusiness opportunities and concluding deals. In this way, it will provideaccess to the fast-growing opportunities on the market in the region. Theexpo's main target exhibitors are manufacturers and suppliers in Asiancountries and territories. They include companies based in Mainland China, HongKong, Taiwan, Thailand, the Philippines, Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar, India,Indonesia, South Korea and Bangladesh.
The expo will provide arange of lifestyle products manufactured in Asia, including gifts, premiums, toys,household goods, taseful home decor, accessories, trendy lifestyle products, consumerelectronics and mobile device accessories. This will fit perfectly with thegrowing demand among consumers in the ASEAN region for new designs and qualitylifestyle products. The expo has also garnered widespread support andrecognition from more than a dozen business associations and organisations fromThailand and around the region, for example, the Thailand Convention &Exhibition Bureau (please see the "List of business associations andorganisations" in the Note to Editors attached to this press release).
Mr. Cheung Sui Fu, Peter, Director of Comasia Limited, said:"China's grand 'One Belt One Road' initiative has given a major boost to tradecooperation and market integration along routes in Southeast Asia and the ASEANcountries. This has spurred the development of trade in consumer goods withinthe region, transforming it into a large regional market segment. Thanks to thegreat market growth potential in the ASEAN region, there has also been anincrease in trade-related activities, such as the development of the expoindustry. It demonstrates that there is a great demand for more expos among manufacturers,buyers and businesses engaged in trade."
Mr. Cheung explained why theHong Kong-based organisers of the Asia Lifestyle Expo picked Thailand as thelocation of choice: "Thailand is an important transportation hub and holidaydestination in the ASEAN region. It has excellent restaurants, hotels and tourismfacilities, making it attractive for companies in the region to attend the expo.Buyers can attend the expo and make procurements quickly and conveniently. Thelocation is also attractive as it is possible to combine business with leisure.What is more, Thailand is strategically important in terms of business. Theeconomies of Thailand and its four neighbouring CLMV countries (that is,Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam) have grown in recent years. Trade in the CLMVcountries and Thailand has also been on an upward trend. The Hong Kong Governmentplans to open its third Economic and Trade Office in the ASEAN region inThailand. Considering all these factors, Thailand is set to become a top destinationfor Hong Kong companies and for manufacturers and buyers from different regions,where they can discuss business and get involved in the ASEAN market."
Mr. Sakchai Pattarapleechakal, President, N.C.C.Exhibition Organizer Co., Ltd., concluded Thailand has accumulated a great dealof experience and a wealth of resources in organising trade expos and shared, "Nowadays,Thailand is being represented MICE travelers more than 1 million, includingraise of visitor who has been willing to visit exhibitions in Thailand up to19.68% as earlier. In addition, the revenue is growing up to 20.30% in currentyear."
He said thatASEAN population has been dramatically growing not only purchasing demand butalso a demanding of high quality products from variety of newest sources. Thetransformation of consumer behavior, in particular, e-commerce, modern trade,retailers, convenience stores and online stores, have been creating manyoptions in their lifestyle. Therefore, he believed that the "2019 AsiaLifestyle Expo", co- organized by ComasiaLimited and N.C.C. Exhibition Organizer Co., Ltd. Will create more andmore economic opportunities and revenues in both Thailand and ASEAN.
2019 Asia Lifestyle Expo website: https://www.asialifestyleexpo.com
Suggested hashtags: #exhibition #trade #lifestyle #thailand # ASEAN
About the Organisers
Comasia Limited
Comasia Limited ("Comasia") is a Hong Kong-basedprofessional trade exhibition organiser and event management company. For over26 years, the company's management team has organisedor co-hosted more than 80 trade exhibitions and events in Hong Kong, Macau,Mainland China, the United States, Singapore, Germany, England, France, Polandand other locations. Comasia aims to provide Asian exporters and internationalbuyers with effective trade expos that help their business. Comasia's currentexhibition projects include: the two-part MEGA SHOW expo series which takesplace annually in October, and which has become one of the largest and mostimportant sourcing platforms in autumn in Asia Pacific; the Asia Apparel Expo-Berlin,which occurs every February and which has completed its seventh edition; andthe Asian Gifts & Housewares Show-Paris, which was a new trade fair addedto Comasia's portfolio in November 2017.
N.C.C. Exhibition OrganizerCo., Ltd. (NEO)
N.C.C.Exhibition Organizer Co., Ltd. (NEO) is Thailand's leading exhibitionorganiser. NEO was previously a department within N.C.C. Management &Development Co., Ltd. which was responsible for expos. In 2004 it officially transformedinto an independent expo organiser and event management company. With over adecade of experience in planning and managing more than 100 international tradeexpos and conventions, NEO has become respected and trusted in Thailand for itsprofessional expertise and reliability in this area. In addition to forging partnershipswith other expo organisers from both within and outside the country, NEO hasalso been organising more and more of its own exhibitions in Thailand and abroad.
List of business associations and organisations
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