SINGAPORE - Media OutReach - 15 August 2018 - Alpha7,a digital advisory company, launched its own proprietary solution A7IoB® (A7 Internet of Business) in August 2017 and had received US$5.2million in private funding to date. A7IoB® helpSmall and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) get onto the digital train as a businessdigital management dashboard.
Alpha7's mission is to evangelize to business owners, entrepreneurs and CXOsthe value of digital and cloud technologies. Alpha7 promotes the use of thesetechnologies to help businesses be more productive, grow and expand in APAC andbeyond with A7 IoB®.
Introducing A7 IoB®
A7 IoB® is an intuitivedigital dashboard that allows a business owner to view their business data inone place. It enables one to manage their business by providing clarity on themost crucial business data, which includes data from marketing, sales, operations,finance and HR. Enterprises can also leverage A7 IoB® to providevalue-added services to their SME clients. Presently, there are more than 500users online.
"We are privileged to be a partner of Alpha7,sharing a common mission of enabling our customers with innovative technologysolutions... I highly recommend Alpha7 to any potential partner looking to form acommunity for like-minded businesses in the era of digital transformation." RickKoh, Managing Director, Consulting Research Services Pte Ltd
A7 IoB® is built to power small and growing businesses to takecharge of their most crucial asset: business data and in turn, this allowsbusinesses make smarter data-driven decisions.
This video explains how user friendly A7IoB® can be --Business dashboards made easy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d36JV4AM2jg
"Every month, I used to spend days collating dataand creating reports to monitor my business performance. With A7 IoB®, it just takesminutes!" Tan Biing Yih, a business owner on how the dashboard allows him to spend more timeon the strategic aspects of his business.
Alpha7 is working with aSingapore business accelerator that is a joint venture between top Asian bankand a government-backed venture capitalist fund under the National ResearchFoundation of Singapore. The partnership helps SMEs on their digital transformationjourney and has been involved in discussions with their SMEs on the program.
Alpha7 has also customisedtheir A7 IoB® solution for a technologypartner in Sweden and is now working on getting them up on exclusive terms tocollaborate in Europe.
Alpha7 currently hascustomers in Singapore, Australia and Europe and is looking for investors tohelp fuel their future expansion plans into Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand.
About Alpha7
Alpha7 is a cloud technology company headquartered inSingapore with an office in Australia. It is a business cloud enabler for businesses- enterprises and SMEs spanning various industries in the Asia region. Started in2014, its mission as a business digital advisory company to evangelize to businessowners, entrepreneurs and CXOs the value of digital and cloud technology.Alpha7 promotes the use of technology with IoB® to help businesses bemore productive, grow and expand in APAC and the region beyond. Pleasevisit www.Alpha7.coand www.A7Iob.comfor more information.