SINGAPORE - Media OutReach - July 30 2018 -Konica Minolta Business Solutions Asia (BSA), an integral value provider,recently launched the bizhubSECURE Platinum (BSP). A value-addedprofessional solution designed for comprehensive network securityprotection, Konica Minolta is extending the powerful security protection toprovide the most extensive, sophisticated set of security measures to industryand businesses of all sizes.
As online data security becomes a pressingconcern for businesses, Konica Minolta is constantly looking at transformativeways to provide additional line of defense against data theft and unauthorisedaccess to documents or devices. For many businesses, data is the company's mostvaluable asset and the BSP is a powerful security protection against datathefts. Data breaches are costly mistakes to avoid. Many businesses and ITdecision makers often neglect the data that reside in the hard drives ofMulti-Function Printers (MFPs). With BSP, businesses can now combat costly databreaches through data protection and advanced network security for MFPs.
To secure and protect any document image datathat might be present on the hard drive, the BSP is able to perform thesesecurity functions:
Mr Jonathan Yeo, Director & GeneralManager of Konica Minolta BSA said: "Security is no longer a choice. It hasbecome a necessity that should be part of every business and IT discussion asefforts to combat data security threat will only intensify in the years tocome. Konica Minolta seeks to bring data security to the next level with addedlevel of protection against information security threats."
About Konica Minolta Business Solutions Asia
KonicaMinolta Business Solutions Asia is transforming the workplace of the futurewith its customer-centric solutions and hardware for the digitally connectedworld. We are committed to create new values for the society with ourexpertise. From information management to technology enabling tools, thesolutions help businesses improve time to information, support mobility, andoptimise business processes with workflow automation. Konica Minolta, Inc. hasalso been named to the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index for five years in arow. For more information, please visit https://www.konicaminolta.sg/business/