SINGAPORE - Media OutReach - July 27, 2018 - Konica Minolta Business Solutions Asia (KonicaMinolta), an integral value provider in enterprise content management, has beenawarded a contract by a public agency to digitise its operational efficiencyand accessibility of records via its Document Process Outsourcing Solution.
With its expertise and experience indigitisation of backend repositories, Konica Minolta will assist the agency todigitise approximately 10 million pages of physical materials such as casefiles, corporate data and loose documents over a three-year project.
The Document Process Outsourcing solution enablesaccessibility of records in digital format by converting and indexing the oldrecords into common file format like PDF files with Optical CharacterRecognition. This gives the documents text searchability features beforeuploading onto the agency's e-system. Digitisation also preserves aged records,improving records security, usability and searchability.
Konica Minolta's Document Process solution supportsthe government's drive to transform Singapore into a digitised nation[1] as businesses graduallyshift toward a more digitally dependent and eco-friendlier society.
"Konica Minolta is dedicated to supportingbusinesses going digital", said Mr Jonathan Yeo, Director & General Managerof Konica Minolta BSA. "By going digital, businesses can be efficient not onlyin terms of their costs and operations but also create a positive environmentalimpact on their sustainability reporting."
About Konica Minolta Business Solutions Asia
KonicaMinolta Business Solutions Asia is transforming the workplace of the futurewith its customer-centric solutions and hardware for the digitally connectedworld. We are committed to create new values for the society with ourexpertise. From information management to technology enabling tools, thesolutions help businesses improve time to information, support mobility, andoptimise business processes with workflow automation. Konica Minolta, Inc. hasalso been named to the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index for five years in arow. For more information, please visit https://www.konicaminolta.sg/business/
[1] Digitisation trend has become a key driver of growth for marketexpansion services (MES) providers in Singapore, with volume forecast to growat an average of 7.4% annually to reach $3.8 trillion in 2018.